Inalco in the media

December 2024
Delphine Allès, Professor of Political Science and researcher at the Centre for Southeast Asia spoke on:
- France culture, December 16, Series "Comprendre le monde, la recherche sous pression" - Episode 1/4: Chercheur.euses en terrain hostile: enqueter malgré tout
Charles Urjewicz, professor emeritus of Russian and Caucasian history, spoke on:
- France 24, December 14, Georgia: Mikheïl Kavelachvili, new president?
Taline Ter Minassian, professor specializing in the history of Russia and the Caucasus, spoke on:
- 20 minutes, December 11, Syria: Negotiation, Bashar al-Assad as a bargaining chip... How can Moscow save its military bases?
Marie Vrinat-Nikolov, professor of Bulgarian language and literature, spoke on:
- Bnr, December 17, Remise du prix "Mallarmé" à Marie Vrinat pour sa traduction de Guéorgui Gospodinov
- Livres hebdo, December 9, Translator Marie Vrinat, winner of the Prix Mallarmé 2024
Kadhim Jihad Hassan, Professor of Classical Arabic Literature, spoke on:
- AOC, December 8, Migrations
Belgheis Jafari Alavi, lecturer in Persian language and literature and translator, spoke on:
- Libération, December 7, Afghan women are not passive victims, they are resisters
Jean-François Huchet, professor specializing in the economics of China and comparative economic systems in Asia and president of Inalco, was quoted in:
- Newstank, December 3, "Universités en danger" : autour des franciliennes, les présidences font bloc pour alerter
- AEF, December 3, Cancelled courses, AGMs, symbolic actions: some fifty establishments mobilized under the slogan "universities in danger"
Catherine Durandin, professor emeritus historian and specialist on Romania, spoke on:
- France inter, December 3, Roumanie : élections au pluriel
L'Inalco was quoted on:
- Magazine ELLE, December 19, UN TOUR À BABEL (p.131)
- Thotis média, December 17, Thotis ranking of LLCER licenses in 2025
- Newstank, December 10, AMI SHS: six winning projects each receive €9m; €54m allocated out of €100m planned
- AEF, December 10, AMI "programmes de recherche en SHS" : la liste des six consortiums sélectionnés
- Newstank, December 10, Bulac : le GIP prorogé jusqu'en novembre 2027
- Studyrama, December 6, Participate in the 2025 edition of the Inalco plurilingual short story competition
- France 3, December 3, Graduated foreigners, wasted talents
- Podcast journal, December 2, Plongée au cœur du surréalisme tchèque : Projection-débate autour de "Les Chimères des Švankmajer"
Céline Bayou, lecturer, associate researcher at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), spoke on:
November 2024
November 2024
Delphine Allès, professor of Political Science and researcher at the Centre Asie du Sud-Est, spoke on:
- France culture, November 30, La Revue de presse internationale - L'Indonésie refuse un investissement de 100 millions de dollars venant d'Apple
Michaël Levystone, PhD student at the Centre de recherche Europes-Eurasie, spoke on:
- Arte, November 22, Le dessous des cartes - Des soldats Nord-Coréens en Russie : pourquoi? | Une leçon de géopolitique
Assen Slim, professor of international economics, economist, spoke on:
- France culture, November 21, Entendez-vous l'éco? - Série "Portraits d'économistes" - Episode 13/44: János Kornai: passer du modèle soviétique à l'économie de marché
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- LCI, November 28, Le Club Info du jeudi 28 novembre 2024 (58')
- EU radio, November 28, Géopolis - Russia. The economy resists, until when? with Julien Vercueil.
- Newsday, November 28, Is Russia really the "fourth world economy" as RN MEP Thierry Mariani claims?
- La dépêche du midi, November 28, TRUE OR FALSE. War in Ukraine: is Russia really the "4th world economy" as RN MEP Thierry Mariani claims?
- TF1, November 27, VÉRIF' - War in Ukraine: has Russia really become "the fourth world economy"?
- Fréquence protestante, November 20, JULIEN VERCUEIL, ECONOMICS OF THE USSR
- AEF, November 21, VP Trees: David Siaussat (Sorbonne université) becomes president of the association
- Newstank, November 21, VP Trees association: David Siaussat (Sorbonne Université) president
Taline Ter Minassian, professor specializing in the history of Russia and the Caucasus, spoke on:
- The conversation, November 18, Armenia, at the crossroads of transcontinental paths, seeks allies
Elodie Gavrilof, a teacher specializing in the Caucasus, spoke on:
- Les echos, le 13 novembre, Bakou, drôle d'endroit pour une COP29
Philippe Aguinier, teacher of Chinese economics, spoke on:
- Newsday, November 11, China awaits Donald Trump's first moves
- Time, November 11, China awaits Donald Trump's first moves
Inalco was quoted in:
- Newstank, November 29, L'Inalco "engagé sur la bonne voie"; transformation des structures et outils "à poursuivre" (Hcéres)
- Ouvrir la science, November 26, Remise des prix science-ouverte des données de la recherche 2024
- Ministry of Higher Education and Research, November 26, Remise des prix science-ouverte des données de la recherche 2024
- Korean Racines, November 22, Comparative views: Koreas, thwarting destinies by inalco
- AEF, November 19, European universities: which alliances have the most Erasmus+ funding?
- Unidivers, November 11, "Regards comparés" screening-debates at Inalco: Corées, déjouer les destinins Auditorium du pôle des langues et civilisations de l'Inalco Paris
- Keulmadang, November 9, Korean film screening
Jean-François Huchet, professor specializing in the economics of China and comparative economic systems in Asia, and president of Inalco, was quoted in:
- Newstank, November 28, Think Education and Research on 06/02/2025: a duo on "Deciding in times of uncertainty"
- BFM business, November 18, CLIMATE TRANSITION: WHO'S FINANCE? - 18/11
- BFM business, November 18, EVENING EXPERTS - MONDAY NOVEMBER 18
- Newstank, November 14, Think Education and Research on 06/02/2025: dialogue between N. Drach-Temam and O. Ginez at the opening
- Newstank, November 8, Inalco: with Sorbonne Alliance "a dynamic bringing opportunities" (J-F. Huchet)
Françoise Robin, professor of Tibetan language and literature, spoke on:
- BIP info, November 8, Françoise Robin, guest on BipInfo to discuss "Le Léopard des Neiges"
October 2024
October 2024
Jean-François Huchet, professor specializing in the economics of China and comparative economic systems in Asia and president of Inalco, was quoted in:
- Les echos, October 30, Opinion | Budget 2025: support universities!
- Francce universités, October 30, Tribune Les Echos : les signataires
Céline Bayou, lecturer, associate researcher at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), spoke on:
- Les échos, October 19, En Moldavie, des élections cruciales pour l'Europe
- RFI, October 19, Géopolitique - Élection en Moldavie : l'avenir du pays en-question
Laetitia Bucaille, professor of political sociology and researcher at Cessma, spoke on:
- France culture, October 18, Les matins - Yahya Sinouar / Alimentation: faut-il taxer la malbouffe? / Lebanon condemned to war
Augustin Jomier, lecturer in modern and contemporary history of the Maghreb, spoke on:
- France culture, October 13, Podcast Question d'islam - L'orientalisme en acte
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- Arte, October 23, Abysses fascinants / Sommet des Brics avec Vladimir Poutine | 28 minutes | ARTE
- Arte, on October 23, Vladimir Poutine welcomes the Brics summit in Russia | 28 minutes | ARTE
- RFI, October 21, Brics+: une identité et un fonctionnement au défi de l'élargissement
- France culture, October 19, Sommet des BRICS : Poutine et le Sud global
- La Montagne, October 11, Is insolent Russian growth hiding a Potemkin-village-style economic miracle?
Damien Simonneau, senior lecturer in political science, spoke on:
- France culture, October 9, Podcast Question du soir : l'idée - Why wall ourselves in? according to Damien Simonneau
L'Inalco was quoted in:
- TV5 Monde, October 10, Destination Francophonie | Tour de France de la francophonie
- Japan Magazine, October 10, L'inalculturelle, le festival de la rentrée à l'Inalco
- Japan magazine, October 11, Pratiques culinaires : Literature and Gastronomy in Dialogue at Inalco
Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky, professor of South Asian Himalayan anthropology, spoke on:
- France inter, October 5, Du 7 octobre à aujourd'hui... un Grand Face-à-Face XXL
Guibourg Delamotte, professor in political science at the Japanese Studies Department spoke on:
- RFI, October 27, Early elections in Japan: electoral rout for the ruling conservative party
- RFI, October 26, Early elections in Japan: a rare high-stakes election
- Le Monde, October 26, Guibourg Delamotte, professor at Inalco: "Within the Western camp, Japan and Australia often have easier contact with the Global South"
Zhang Guochuan, teacher-researcher in Chinese studies, spoke on:
- The conversation, October 3, François Cheng, the French poet from China
Marie Vrinat-Nikolov, professor of Bulgarian language and literature, spoke on:
- Language to Language podcast, October 1, Autostop, nationalism and the Bulgarian novel