Archive of media coverage 2023/2024
August 2024
August 2024
Julieta Rotaru, lecturer in History of the Rromani language, Rromani and Sanskrit grammar, Rromani civilization, spoke on :
- Phralipen Magazine, August 27, Julieta Rotaru: The slavery of Roma in Romania had a domestic character
Guibourg Delamotte, professor of political science in the Japanese Studies Department spoke on:
- Podcast 20 minutes pour comprendre, August 5, #99b: Geopolitics of Japan (2/2): Military potential and strategic environment
- Podcast 20 minutes pour comprendre, August, #99a: Geopolitics of Japan (1/2): From the renunciation of war to Shinzo Abe's mandates
David Teurtrie, lecturer in Russian geography and geopolitics, appeared in:
- LES GRANDS DOSSIERS DE DIPLOMATIE No. 81, August-September, Russian economy: unexpected successes, high risks
L'Inalco was quoted in:
- Nouvel obs, August 31, "My life, my language", "Les Naufragés de l'"Endurance""... Podcasts of the week
- Evous, August 6, Journées du Patrimoine 2024 à Paris : Le programme dans le 7e arrondissement
Delphine Allès, Professor of Political Science and researcher at the Centre Asie du Sud-Est spoke on:
- News of the day, August 16, Indonesia's new capital: a colossal project that could last "several decades"
- RFI, August 17, Indonesia: "It was necessary to raze 14,000 ha of primary forests to be able to build this new capital"
- France 24, August 6, Amphitheaters under foreign influence? La riposte universitaire
Philippe Benoît, lecturer in Bengali, spoke on:
- France 24, August 5, Révoltes au Bangladesh : les raisons de la colère
July 2024
July 2024
Emmanuel Veron, research professor specializing in contemporary China, spoke on:
- La tribune, July 30, Faced with a "silent" crisis, China is purging its regional banks
Charlotte Marchina, lecturer in Mongolian language and civilization, spoke on:
- National geographic, July 29, Mongolia: nomadism in the time of climate change
Manuelle Frank, professor in urban and regional geography of Southeast Asia, spoke on:
- The conversation, July 24, Nusantara, Indonesia's new capital in questions
Guibourg Delamotte, professor of political science in the Japanese Studies Department spoke on:
- Podcast Stop the World, on July 31, Japan in a blizzard of Indo-Pacific diplomacy with Guibourg Delamotte and Yamagami Shingo
- RFI, on July 16, PALM: Japan wants to "avoid China gaining too much influence" in the South Pacific
Anna Leyloyan-Yekmalyan, Senior Lecturer in Art History, spoke on:
- Armenews, July 18, Christian heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh threatened with disappearance
Laurent Coumel, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Russian-USSR History, was quoted in:
- Le Monde, July 7, Les brèves critiques du " Monde des livres " : Fumiko Hayashi, Gérard Rabinovitch, Robert Walser, Jean Zay...
L'Inalco was quoted in :
- Info flash, July 24, Journées du patrimoine culturel immatériel (JPCI) de l'Inalco - Les pratiques culinaires et alimentaires
- AEF, July 11, Since the creation of the IUF, laureates are spread across 110 establishments, a quarter of them in 4 universities
- Newstank, July 10, HSS research programs (France 2030): the 17 pre-selected institutions
- AEF, July 10, AMI "SHS research programs": the list of 17 consortia pre-selected in the first phase
- La croix, July 4, "My life, my language" on RFI: how learning a language changes the trajectory of a life
June 2024
June 2024
Ursula Baumardt, professor of African orality and literature, spoke on:
- Le Monde, June 17, Science's "rare" disciplines in search of an immunity totem
Marielle Anselmo, professor of language didactics, spoke on:
Guibourg Delamotte, professor of political science in the Japanese Studies Department spoke on:
- Japan memo, June 13, Japan and the EU with Professor Iwama Yoko, Professor Guibourg Delamotte and Dr Alexandra Sakaki
Emmanuel Lozerand, professor of Japanese language and literature and chargé de mission Histoire at Inalco, spoke on:
- RFI, June 12, De vive(s) voix - Who are the repetiteurs at Inalco?
Céline Bayou, lecturer and associate researcher at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), spoke on:
- France culture, June 10, What kind of Europe comes out of these elections?
Jean-François Huchet, professor specializing in the economics of China and comparative economic systems in Asia and President of Inalco, was quoted in:
- AEF, June 18, Inalco's arrival, AMI SHS: Sorbonne Alliance's headteachers look back on their joint projects
- News tank, June 10, Ordre national du mérite : 104 Esri personalities in the 07/06/2024 promotion
L'Inalco was cited in :
- Newstank, l e 24 juin, Inalco: leaving Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cité on 01/06 to join Sorbonne Alliance
- Unidivers, June, Visite libre du site historique de l'Inalco Inalco - Maison de la recherche Paris
- Le Parisien, June 5, "Ici, on parle français et..." : Seine-Saint-Denis promotes its 180 languages and its shopkeepers in view of the Olympics
Anne Viguier, Senior Lecturer in Indian and South Asian History, spoke on:
- France 24, June 4, Indian elections: the awakening of the opposition? Let's talk about it with Anne Viguier and Catherine Bros
Delphine Ortis, anthropologist lecturer, specialist in Islam in South Asia, spoke on:
- The conversation, June 4, What place for Muslims in Narendra Modi's India?
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and specialist in Russia, spoke on:
- La vie des idées, June 4, The resilience of the Russian economy
- RFI, June 3, Bypassing sanctions, tax reform: how Moscow finances its war in Ukraine
Isabelle Konuma, professor in the Department of Japanese Studies, spoke on:
- France culture, June 3, "Demographics: a global baby blues" - Japan, South Korea: youth under pressure
May 2024
May 2024
Guibourg Delamotte, professor of political science in the Japanese Studies Department spoke on:
- The diplomat, May 30, What Is Holding Back France-Japan Cooperation?
Céline Bayou, lecturer, associate researcher at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), spoke on:
- La dépêche, May 28, ENTRETIEN. War in Ukraine: "Putin could carry out the same actions in the Baltic Sea as in Ukraine", warns an expert
Laetitia Bucaille, professor of political sociology and researcher at Cessma, spoke on:
- RFI, May 27, Is Benyamin Netanyahu increasingly isolated?
Julieta Rotaru, lecturer in History of the Rromani language, Rromani and Sanskrit grammar, Rromani civilization, spoke on:
- ICHRRF, May 26, ICHRRF: Roma Slavery and Human Rights Violations
Sarah Mohamed-Gaillard, lecturer specializing in Oceania, spoke on:
- News day, May 25, Nickel, an essential mineral at the heart of the crisis in New Caledonia -
- Vatican news, May 23, Violence in New Caledonia: the reasons for the anger
- Public sénat, May 23, Public sense - New Caledonia: why is Macron backing down?
- L'opinion, May 22, In New Caledonia, "l'Etat est sorti de son rôle d'arbitre impartial"
- RTS, May 17, Nickel, an essential mineral at the heart of the crisis in New Caledonia
- News of the day, May 14, Who are the Kanaks, the indigenous pro-independence people at the heart of the riots?
- Le figaro, May 14, New Caledonia: who are the Kanaks, the indigenous pro-independence people at the heart of the riots?
Jana Vargovcikova, lecturer in political science, spoke on:
- France culture, May 17, Les enjeux internationaux - Attack against the Slovak Prime Minister: the political battle enters a new era?
- Marianne, May 16, "He sought to be a virile leader with a vulgar language": Robert Fico, indomitable Slovak leader
Manuelle Franck, professor of Southeast Asian geography, spoke on:
- France culture, May 10, Nusantara: the new Indonesian capital at the heart of the environmental debate
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- RFI, on May 17, Putin's visit to China: "The Chinese economy represents between 9 and 10 times Russia's economy"
- RTS, May 13, Certain Western companies remain in Russia in spite of themselves
- Le Figaro, May 10, Russia sees its trade fall
Chloé Froissart, professor of political science, sociology, politics in China and Hong Kong, spoke on:
- France télévision, May 8, C ce soir - Podcast Xi Jinping en France: sommes-nous trop naïifs?
- Le Monde, May 7, "The Chinese Communist Party aims to make the humanities and social sciences a field for elaborating the regime's ideology"
Emmanuel Veron, teacher-researcher specializing in contemporary China, spoke on:
- RFI, May 30, War in Gaza: "China plays the Arab-Muslim card against the United States"
- Bfm tv, May 20, Au fond des choses : Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'embrasement - 20/05
- 20 minutes, May 16, War in Ukraine: But how far can China go in its support for Russia?
- RFI, May 6, Débat du jour - Can the West influence China?
- Arte, May 6, ARTE Journal - Le journal télévisé d'ARTE
- Bfm TV, May 5, Xi Jinping in France: what program? - 05/05
- Boursorama, May 3, Visit by Xi Jinping to France: "The relationship between France and China has deteriorated"
- France 24, May 3, Visit by Xi Jinping to France: "The relationship between France and China has deteriorated"
L'Inalco was quoted in:
- Le petit journal, May 21, RFI podcast "Ma vie, ma langue" - Frédérique's story
- AEF, May 14, Middle East conflict: actions in Rennes and Menton. Inalco recalls its academic initiatives
- AEF, May 13, Support for Gaza: some militant actions at EHESS, Unistra and Inalco. Broader call for mobilization on May 15
- RFI, May 6, Ma vie, ma langue - 5. Frédérique: Indonesian, the forgotten language
- RFI, May 6, Ma vie, ma langue - 4. Marine: Japanese, the language of ecology
- RFI, May 6, Ma vie, ma langue - 3. Loïc: Wolof, the language of fraternity
- RFI, May 6, Ma vie, ma langue - 2. Liliane : le wushi, la langue en danger
- RFI, May 6, Ma vie, ma langue - 1. Ishta: Kurdish, the forbidden language
- BBC Pashto, May 2, پښتو ویونکې فرانسوۍ ښځې پېژنئ؟
- BBC Pashto, May 2, پښتو ویونکې فرانسوۍ ښځې پېژنئ؟
April 2024
April 2024
L'Inalco was quoted on:
- RFI, April 30, Teaser trailer: Ma vie, ma langue
- Le Monde, April 25, L'appel de 70 présidents d'établissements d'enseignement supérieur : " Les universités ne doivent pas être instrumentalisées à des fins politiques"
Laurent Coumel, maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine, spoke on:
- The conversation, April 25, Science fiction, rock... underground cultures in the USSR of Chernobyl
Julieta Rotaru, lecturer in History of the Rromani language, grammar of Rromani and Sanskrit, Rromani civilization, spoke on:
- Radio "Vocea Evangheliei", April 8, Speech on the significance of April 8 (International Romani Culture Day)
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- Le figaro, April 21, Why Russia's growth rate will exceed that of the major powers this year
- Terre net, April 17, Russia's economy is "hit, but not sunk"
- Mister Geopolitix (youtube), April 7, The international order is changing, here's why. [EP. 1]
Sébastien Colin, senior lecturer in geography, spoke on:
- France culture, April 4, Cultures Monde - The squid stalked by factory ships
Philippe Aguinier, lecturer in Chinese economics, spoke on:
Jean-François Huchet, professor specializing in the economics of China and comparative economic systems in Asia and president of Inalco, spoke on:
- L'étudiant, April 3, China : la vigilance de l'enseignement supérieur français face à un partenaire essentiel
Guibourg Delamotte, professor of political science, spoke on:
- RFI, April 11, Indo-Pacific: "Japan has become a very important player in US strategy"
- Le monde diplomatique, April 2024, Le Japon, un leader discret
March 2024
March 2024
Damien Simonneau, senior lecturer in political science, spoke on:
- Association Française de Science Politique, March 28, Politistes dans la Cité - #34-Damien Simonneau: Des murs au conflit israélo-palestinien
Luc Deheuvels, former chargé de mission en pédagogie numérique and professor emeritus in Arabic language and literature, and Ivan Šmilauer, former VP délégué au numérique and lecturer in Czech linguistics, spoke on:
- Newstank, March 27, Inalco: "Un avant et un après "AHFLO', projet d'hybridization des formations de 2020 à 2023
Jean Radvanyi, co-director of CREE (Centre de recherches Europe-Eurasie) and professor emeritus of Russian geography, spoke on:
- RFI, March 25, Moscow bombing: what political consequences for Putin?
Jana Vargovcikova, lecturer in political science, spoke on :
- RFI, March 23, Slovakia votes in presidential election with pro-Russian power candidate favored in first round
Anne de Tinguy, professor emeritus of contemporary history, spoke on:
Elodie Gavrilof, lecturer specializing in the Caucasus, spoke on:
- The conversation, March 18, Why-are-there-still-presidential-elections-in-Azerbaijan?
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- L'Humanité, March 9, The surprising success of the Russian economy, despite sanctions
Oksana Mitrofanova, PhD in political science and teacher-researcher spoke on:
- Телеканал Прямий, on March 17, Оксана Мітрофанова, кандидат політичних наук
- Телеканал Прямий, on March 8, Почалось! Макрон НАЗВАВ УМОВИ ввведення військ в Україну, у ЄС переполох, далі буде... | МІТРОФАНОВА
Céline Bayou, lecturer, associate researcher at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), spoke on:
- France culture, March 8, "Les termes du débat européen" series - Estonia, "Defense"
L'inalco was quoted in:
- Les échos, March 8, Egalité femmes-hommes : les ministères s'en sortent plutôt bien
Emmanuel Véron, geography teacher and specialist in contemporary China, spoke on:
- France culture, March 26, Série "Libre-échange : la nouvelle donne" - RCEP: China at the center of the Asian game?
- RFI, March 4, International Guest - Annual Session of the Chinese Parliament: "The Chinese economy is today in increased difficulty"
Anne Viguier, Senior Lecturer in Indian and South Asian History, spoke on:
- France culture, March 2, In India: Hinduism, history and power
February 2024
February 2024
Iaroslav Lebedynsky, historian, specialist in the ancient warrior cultures of the steppe and Caucasus, professor of Ukrainian history, spoke on:
- Sciences et vie, February 26, Ukraine : 1000 ans d'histoire, du IXe siècle à la guerre avec la Russie, with historian Yaroslav Lebedynsky
Emmanuel Véron, geography teacher and specialist in contemporary China, spoke on:
- Les grands dossiers diplomatie, February/March, China and the Indo-Pacific in mirror
Damien Simonneau, senior lecturer in political science, spoke on:
- Arte, February 19, Le dessous des images - Gaza-Israël : le mur de fer et le bulldozer
Delphine Allès, Professor of Political Science and researcher at the Centre Asie du Sud-Est spoke on:
- RFI, February 11, GÉOPOLITIQUE - Quelle Indonésie après Jokowi? (Part II)
L'Inalco was quoted on:
- News day, February 14, The International Asian Film Festival rewards the same director for the third time, with a posthumous title.
- France 3, February 14, The International Asian Film Festival rewards the same director for the third time, with a posthumous title
- AEF, February 5, "Prevented" fields: l'Inalco lance une enquête pour adapter les formations et recherches en études aréales
Chloé Froissart, professor of political science, sociology, politics in China and Hong Kong, spoke on:
- L'express, February 3, China: "For Simon Leys, Mao was a failed artist, a bit like Hitler"
January 2024
January 2024
Marianne Morange, professor of geography, spoke on:
- France culture, January 31, South Africa: getting out of the townships?
Anne de Tinguy, professor emeritus of contemporary history, spoke on:
- LCI, January 24, Aujourd'hui dans 24H Pujadas : Guerre - Crash d'un avion : La Russie et l'Ukraine s'accusent
L'Inalco was quoted in :
- Sud Ouest, January 21, Lormont: six students from the Cordée Horizons-Langues travel to Paris
Laetitia Bucaille, professor of political sociology and researcher at Cessma, spoke on:
- France culture, January 18, Is the Israel-Hamas conflict in danger of spreading to Lebanon?
Jean-François Huchet, professor specializing in the economics of China and comparative economic systems in Asia and President of Inalco, spoke on:
- RFI, January 17, "China retains very significant pockets of growth"
Ladji Karamoko Ouattara, teacher-researcher in international relations, spoke on:
Emmanuel Véron, geography teacher and specialist in contemporary China, spoke on:
- RFI, January 19, Conséquences des attaques houthies: "Pénurie de produits et répercussion sur-les-coûts"
- France info, January 13, Elections in Taiwan: a point of no return between Taiwan and China?
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- RFI (youtube channel), January 9, 2024, Nga và Trung Quốc, một trục thương mại mới của thế giới
- RFI (youtube channel), January 9, BRICS enlargement: No improvement in economic weight or cohesion
- RFI, January 9, 2024 : Nga - Trung Quốc, một trục thương mại mới của thế giới
Jana Vargovčíková, lecturer in political science, specialist in the politics, spaces and societies of contemporary Central Europe, spoke on:
- France culture, on January 5, The terms of the European debate: "Visegrad"
December 2023
December 2023
Vincent Duran-Dastès, professor of Chinese literature, spoke on:
- France culture, December 28, "La Pérégrination vers l'Ouest" : de l'estampe japonaise au manga contemporain
Jean-François Huchet, professor specializing in the economics of China and comparative economic systems in Asia and president of Inalco, spoke on:
- Mediapart, December 20, "Why target foreign students specifically?"
Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky, professor of South Asian Himalayan anthropology, spoke on:
- BFM tv, December 18, Au fond des choses : Politique migratoire, l'accord controversé entre le Royaume-Uni et le Rwanda - 18/12
Adrien Nonjon, PhD student in History and research fellow at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), spoke on:
Emmanuel Véron, geography teacher and specialist in contemporary China, spoke on:
- France culture, December 29, Indo-Pacific: does China have the means to fulfill its military ambitions?
- Allo trend, on December 15, A Taiwan, China at the heart of the presidential election
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- La croix, December 18, War in Ukraine: despite sanctions, the Russian economy demonstrates its resilience
- LCI, December 14, Un Oeil sur le Monde du 14/12
- RTS, December 14, Russia: the war lasts and Putin campaigns
Huy-Linh Dao, lecturer in Vietnamese language and director of the Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale (CRLAO), spoke on:
- RFI, December 4, Anna Moï: le Vietnam raconté par les mots
Estelle Bauer, professor of Japanese language, Japanese history and classical Japanese art history, spoke on:
- France culture, December 2, Le "Dit du Genji" 源氏物語 de Murasaki Shikibu, premier roman psychologique mondial
November 2023
November 2023
Estelle Bauer, professor of Japanese language, Japanese history and classical Japanese art history, spoke on:
- Journal des arts, November 21, Le Dit du Genji illustré
Nomindari Shagdarsuren, lecturer in Mongolian language and civilization, spoke on:
- Libération, November 20, A Nantes, Genghis Khan, steppe by steppe
Laetitia Bucaille, professor of political sociology and researcher at Cessma, spoke on:
- La Croix, November 28, Israel-Hamas: diplomacy on the offensive to settle the conflict
- The conversation, November 23, Hamas in Gaza: from confinement to savagery
- France info, November 19, War between Israel and Hamas: fake news, hate messages... Why network X looks like a digital battlefield
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- Le Matin Dimanche, November 26, The sanctions against Russia are running out of steam
- L'express, November 19, Russia: how the defense industry is going to war
Alexandrine Barontini, professor of Moroccan Arabic, spoke on:
- Le figaro, November 17, What is the second most spoken language in France?
Damien Simonneau, lecturer in political science, spoke on:
- Info migrants, November 20, Dozens of migrants attempt to enter Finland from Russia
- France culture, November 16, Géographie à la carte - What are border walls for?
- Rtbf, November 13, Le Fin Mot - Damien Simonneau: What Israeli strategy for Paris?
- Public Sénat, November 13, Sens public - West Bank: the other dead end for Israel
Emmanuel Véron, geography teacher and specialist in contemporary China, spoke on:
- Diplomatie, November-December, La mer de Chine méridionale au service des ambitions stratégiques et nationalistes de Pékin
- RFI, November 13, Can the United States and China cooperate?
- 20 minutes, November 9, Beijing's watchful eye on unrest in Burma, China's "quasi- satellite state"
Jean-Philippe Eglinger, lecturer in Vietnamese economics and intercultural management, and Huy-Linh Dao, lecturer in Vietnamese language and director of the Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale (CRLAO), spoke on:
- Le courrier du Vietnam, November 5, Ah! but you speak Vietnamese!
Ilan Nguyên, lecturer, cultural mediator and specialist in Japanese animated films, spoke on:
- RFI, November 4, Hayao Miyazaki special broadcast
Delphine Allès, Professor of Political Science and researcher at the Centre Asie du Sud-Est spoke on:
October 2023
October 2023
Jean-Philippe Eglinger, lecturer in Vietnamese economics and intercultural management, spoke on:
- Le courrier du Vietnam, October 27, Ah! but you speak Vietnamese! (page 42)
Ivan Šmilauer, lecturer in Czech language and linguistics, spoke on:
- Campus matin, October 25, [Replay] What AI tools to improve language teaching?
Inalco, as part of the Plurilingual Short Story Competition, was quoted in:
- Studyrama, October 25, Edition 2024 du Concours Inalco de la nouvelle plurilingue sur le thème "Langues animales"
Oksana Mitrofanova, PhD in political science and teacher-researcher spoke on:
- Bintel, October 19, "It seems to me the world is impressed by the image og Ukrainian cyborgs who have to endure everything"
L'Inalco was quoted on:
- Le figaro, October 19, "Il y en a marre de l'anglais": ces étudiants du soir qui se passionnent pour les langues rares
Adrien Nonjon, PhD student in History and research fellow at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), was quoted on:
- Yahoo actualités, October 17, The Azov Regiment, the Ukrainian scarecrow at the heart of Russian "denazification" rhetoric
- The conversation, October 17, The Azov Regiment, the Ukrainian scarecrow at the heart of Russian "denazification" rhetoric
Inalco was quoted in:
- Телеканал Хабар 24, on October 15, Француз институтында қазақ тілі оқытылады
Laurent Nespoulous, lecturer and specialist in Japanese history, spoke on:
- France culture, on October 14, Aux origines du Japon
Léa Xailly, doctoral student specializing in Polish strategic issues, spoke on:
- The conversation, October 12, Understanding Polish-Ukrainian tensions
Damien Simonneau, senior lecturer in political science, spoke on:
- Rts, October 26, "The Israelis are very aware of the nature of the fighting that may await them in Gaza"
- Libnanews, October 23, What Israeli strategy for Gaza?
- The conversation, October 22, What Israeli strategy for Gaza?
- Public sénat, October 12, Israel: the Mpyren-Orien ready to ignite?
Rina Cohen-Muller, lecturer in contemporary history - Israeli history, spoke on:
- 20 minutes, October 12, Hamas-Israel war: What are the kibbutz, these villages on the front line of civilian massacres?
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- Fréquence protestante, October 10, INTRODUCTION TO THE ECONOMICS OF UKRAINE
Laetitia Bucaille, professor of political sociology and researcher at Cessma, spoke on:
- TF1, October 21, Two hostages freed: what is Hamas' calculation?
- France culture, October 17, Series "Israel-Palestine: the words of war" - Episode 2: The Gaza Strip, 75 years of blockades
- Le nouvel obs, October 12, "The scale and savagery of the attacks are akin to political suicide for Hamas"
- France 24, October 11, Laetitia Bucaille, sociologist: "Hamas wants to make Israelis suffer very deeply"
- France 24, October 11, 5th day of war in the Middle East
- Télérama, October 10, Israeli-Palestinian conflict: in France, a particularly booby-trapped debate
- BFM TV, October 10, Attacks against Israel: IKfar Aza, women and children beheaded - 10/10
- France culture, October 9, History, geography, law, economics: the origins of Hamas
- France culture, October 9, Hamas attack in Israel: a historic turning point / Return on the regional context
- Public sénat, October 9, Hostage-taking of civilians in Israel: how to analyze Hamas's strategy?
- France culture, October 9, Hamas attack: a turning point in Israel's history
L'Inalco, as part of the Inalco-Vo/Vf Translation Prize, was quoted in:
- Actualitté, October 9, Raphaëlle Pache wins the Inalco-Vo/Vf 2023 Translation Prize
Dominique Mongin, a lecturer specializing in the history of contemporary international relations as well as security and defense issues, was quoted on:
- Ca m'intéresse, on October 8, Nuclear weapons: this international relations specialist looks back at developments in nuclear deterrence
Philippe Aguignier, lecturer in Chinese economics, spoke on:
- France 24, on October 6, Between real estate crisis and slowing growth, is the Chinese economy sick?
Anne de Tinguy, professor emeritus in contemporary history, spoke on:
Jean-François Huchet, professor specializing in the economy of China and comparative economic systems in Asia and president of Inalco, spoke on:
- AEF, October 5, Despite the failure at Excellences, Inalco wishes to carry the "planned transformations" into the future COMP (J-F. Huchet)
Inalco, as part of the Journées du patrimoine culturelle immatériel, was quoted on:
Jean Radvanyi, co-director of CREE (Centre de recherches Europe-Eurasie) and professor emeritus of Russian geography, was quoted on:
- L'Humanité, October 2, After the annexation of Nagorno-Karabakh, "we can fear that Azerbaijan will decree the capture of southern Armenia"
Anna Yekmalyan, lecturer in Russian and Caucasian art history, spoke on:
- Le figaro, October 3, Understanding Azerbaijan's offensive and the threats to Armenia
- Le figaro, October 2, Armenia, distant tragedy or stake for Europe?
Etienne Boisserie, professor of Central European history and co-director of the Centre de recherches Europe-Eurasie (CREE), spoke on:
- Le vif, October 5, War in Ukraine: behind an embellished European facade, the backyard is less cheerful
- La depeche, October 5, ENTRETIEN. War in Ukraine: can the election of a pro-Putin prime minister in Slovakia have an impact on the conflict?
- France 24, October 2, Slovakia: the Kremlin's victory? Europe's lasting support for Ukraine threatened
- RFI, October 1, Slovakia: what coalition and what prospects for populist Robert Fico?
September 2023
September 2023
Adrien Nonjon, PhD student in History and research fellow at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), spoke on:
- France 5, September 27, C ce soir - S4 : Sommes-nous en train d'abandonner l'Ukraine?
Anne Viguier, lecturer in Indian and South Asian history, spoke on:
- France culture, September 25, India has many names, and this is nothing new
Laetitia Bucaille, professor of political sociology and researcher at Cessma, spoke on:
- For Eco, on September 20, Israel-Hamas. Why France is experiencing an import of the conflict
Damien Simonneau, senior lecturer in political science, spoke on:
- Le figaro, September 14, Will France welcome no migrants from Lampedusa, as Darmanin claims?
Céline Bayou, lecturer, associate researcher at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), spoke on:
- RFI, September 25, Le grand exode des Arméniens du Haut-Karabakh
- RFI, September 24, Belarus, fragile vassal of Moscow
Marie-Sybille de Vienne, professor of political economy and geopolitics of Southeast Asia, spoke on:
- RFI, September 24, La saga Pita Limjaroenrat ou les limites du progressisme thaïlandais
Charles Urjewicz, professor emeritus specializing in Armenia, spoke on:
- RFI, September 24, Haut-Karabakh: arrival of the first refugees in Armenia
Patrick Maurus, professor emeritus of Korean language and literature, spoke on:
- Le Monde, on September 22,"The rapprochement between North Korea and Russia is based on brutal realism, not ideology"
Jean Radvanyi, co-director of CREE (Centre de recherches Europe-Eurasie) and professor emeritus at Inalco, spoke on:
- RFI, on September 26, Haut-Karabakh: discussions between Azerbaijan and separatists
- France 24, September 20, Haut-Karabakh : "Un coup de force dramatique et attendu"
Philippe Aguignier, lecturer in Chinese economics, spoke on:
- Radio Canada, September 17, Chinese economy is slowing down, but we're far from a crisis
Delphine Allès, Professor of Political Science and researcher at the Centre Asie du Sud-Est spoke on:
- Ouest France, September 28, "My dream? Iran without the death penalty": at the Normandy forum for peace, strong testimonials
- RFI, on September 15, The "Global South", an imperfect ideological concept
Leili Anvar, lecturer in Persian language and literature, spoke on:
- Ouest France, September 19, La médiathèque de Combourg donne-la parole aux poétesses afghanes
- France inter, September 14, Grand canal - Leili Anvar: "Love poetry and its dream of harmony are repressed today"
Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky, professor of South Asian Himalayan anthropology, spoke on:
- France culture, September 14, Mumbai, "Maximum city"!
Jean-François Huchet, professor specializing in the economics of China and comparative economic systems in Asia, and President of Inalco, spoke on:
- Le petit journal, September 26,L'Inde dans les médias en français : les tensions Canada-Inde et autres sujets
- RFI, September 24, India-China: l'antagonisme jusqu'où?
- L'étudiant, September 14, J.-F. Huchet (Inalco): "We seek to place ourselves at the heart of European strategy"
Emmanuel Véron, geography lecturer and specialist in contemporary China, spoke on:
- Le télégramme, September 14, "The Aukus pact brought France back to a certain reality" in the Indo-Pacific
Oksana Mitrofanova, PhD in political science and teacher-researcher spoke on:
- France culture, September 13, What's the state of solidarity with Ukrainian exiles?
L'Inalco was quoted in:
- Le figaro, September 22, Espion, analyst, engineer... Could you join the French secret service?
- Unidivers, September, Inalco Paris intangible cultural heritage days
- Info locale, September 16, Free tour of the historic Inalco site
- Le parisien étudiant, September, K-pop dance performance by the arts office (BDE Inalco) - Heritage Days 2023
- France 3, September 15, European Heritage Days 2023: all the programming in Île-de-France
- Mairie du 13ème, September 11, European Heritage Days and Heritage Days
- L'Officiel des spectacles, September, Heritage Days 2023 in Paris: not-to-be-missed tours
- Japan in Paris, September, European Heritage Days 2023
- Unidivers, September, JEP 2023: visit Inalco's historic site! Maison de la recherche de l'Inalco Paris
- Fest, September, K-pop dance performance by the Bureau des arts (BDE Inalco)
Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky, professor of South Asian Himalayan anthropology, spoke on:
- The conversation, September 10, Migrant mental health: prevention and action is a public health issue
Céline Bayou, lecturer, associate researcher at CREE (Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie), spoke on:
- The conversation, on September 6, Latvia: the challenges of the new president
Taline Ter Minassian, professor specializing in the history of Russia and the Caucasus, spoke on:
- 20 minutes, September 29, Haut-Karabakh : Souveraineté, gaz... Pourquoi la réaction-europeens est-elle si timide?
- La Tribune, September 28, Le Haut-Karabakh livré à lui-même
- France culture, September 23, Affaires étrangères - Caucase : l'ONU impuissante
- The conversation, September 22, Le Haut-Karabakh livré à lui-même
- Le parisien, September 20, Haut-Karabakh : pourquoi le conflit s'est de nouveau envene entre l'Azerbaïdjan et l'Arménie
- France culture, September 20, Journal de 12h30 - La baisse des prix à la pompe n'est pas pour demain
- The conversation, September 5, Two Centuries of the Great Geopolitical Game for the Great Powers
Julien Vercueil, professor of economics and Russia specialist, spoke on:
- Diplomacy, September-October, The BRICS in 2023: in search of a project
- Be in crypto, September 24, BRICS versus the dollar: Why not favor cryptocurrencies?
- Marianne, September 4, China, Brazil, Russia... Getting out of the dollar, the risky bet of the BRICS
Albin Wagener, research professor in discourse analysis and interaction systemics associated with PLIDAM, spoke on:
- Cultea, September 3, What is "woke culture"? Definition and history of "wokism"