NARRADIV. Narrating linguistic and cultural diversity

The University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa) and Inalco (France) are organizing the symposium "NARRADIV. Narrating linguistic and cultural diversity: Critical and multidisciplinary approaches in Second and Additional Language Education. French-South African perspective".
Ecritures orientales
Ecritures orientales © Inalco‎

This (hybrid) symposium is a milestone in the first year of the project, pooling preparations and/or initial fieldwork and theories concerning narratives/discourses and cultural diversity in critical, multidisciplinary approaches to language teaching, between South Africa and France. It is an opportunity to articulate the research of the participants, doctoral students and teacher-researchers, to identify points of convergence and particularities, as well as to benefit from a perspective outside the project but transversal to our issues, from the co-director of the SeDyl research team, who hosts the project portage for the Inalco part of the Hubert Curien PROTEA partnership with the University of Wits (South Africa).

Symposium program

  • Presentation by doctoral students: involvement in the project and thesis work
  • Presentation by lecturer-researchers: involvement in the project, fields and research questions
  • Background and reaction from Isabelle Léglise, sociolinguist, SeDyl CNRS-IRD researcher and SeDyl co-director
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