L'Unité Mixte de Recherche SeDyL (Structure et Dynamique des Langues) is a language science laboratory with three supervisory bodies: CNRS (UMR 8202), INALCO, and IRD (UR 135). Created in 2010, it is the result of the merger of CELIA (UMR8133 CNRS, founded in 1973) and part of the teaching staff of the Cercle de Linguistique de l'Inalco (Plan Pluri-Formation since 1998). The SeDyL is a member of the EFL laboratory of excellence.
His areas of specialization are:
- the description, documentation and grammatization of the world's languages;
- the study of language contact, linguistic variation and change;
- linguistic typology and areal typology;
- the study of multilingualism in different contexts (school, health, migration) leading to the critical analysis of language policies.
It covers four world regions: Americas and Overseas (CELIA), CircumBaltic and Slavic Area (CELBS), Mediterranean and Balkans, Asias.
Scientific objectives are:
- to build up first-hand linguistic resources via fieldwork or corpus collection;
- to advance knowledge of how the world's languages function and of linguistic practices as social practices;
- to discuss the challenges of plurilingual societies: language policies (in education, health), endangered languages and language standardization, languages and migration.
The UMR SeDyL fits into the national and international landscape of two complementary fields
- in the field of linguistics of language diversity and typology: the laboratory is a member of the LABEX EFL.
- in the field of social science research in the South: the laboratory is a member of the Fédération F3S and the Global Research Institute of Paris. He participates in the EUR Francophonies et plurilinguisme.
It benefits from two strong specificities:
- the joint treatment of languages that are not very widespread, or even undescribed, and languages with an academic tradition that have given rise to abundant work,
- the integration at the heart of its scientific projects of a dimension that is deeply involved in the field and in the countries of the SOUTH where the laboratory is positioned as an important scientific player, which involves actions of cooperation with other scientific players, skills transfer and valorization.
Composed of 46 members (11 researchers and ITAs; 15 teacher-researchers; 12 PhD students; 8 post-docs and CDDs) and 4 associate members, the laboratory develops 3 scientific axes, pilots research on call for tender, international cooperation actions and includes two areal centers that have formed networks (CELIA, CELBS). pilots research on call for tender, international cooperation actions and includes two areal centers that have formed networks (CELIA, CELBS).
L'UMR SeDyL has been directed since January 1, 2020 by Sophie Vassilaki, Isabelle Léglise (deputy dir. in charge of IRD), Stefano Manfredi (deputy dir., CNRS).
The laboratory board is made up of: Laurence Guernalec (ITA), Anaïd Donabédian (EC, Inalco) Outi Duvallon (EC, Inalco), Isabelle Léglise (C, CNRS), Stefano MANFREDI (C, CNRS), Alexandru Mardale (EC, Inalco), Valelia Muni Toke (C, IRD), Sophie Vassilaki (EC, Inalco), Samuel Chakmakdjian (Doc), Guina Hildebrand Prost (Doc).
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