India in images and debate: reincarnations and ghost-hunting

As part of the "South Asia and the Himalayas in pictures and debate" series.
Gros plan sur le portrait d'un homme moustachu qui se tient la tête en arrière et les yeux fermés. Une femme se tient à ses côtés et le regarde
Black Hole. Why I have never been a Rose © Emmanuel Grimaud et Arnaud Deshayes‎

Session 4 - India in images and debate: reincarnations and ghost-hunting

Black Hole. Why I have never been a Rose by Emmanuel Grimaud and Arnaud Deshayes

In Calcutta, patients explore their past lives in a hypnotist's office and find themselves propelled into the remotest folds of the past. Meanwhile, a group of ghost hunters investigate the abandoned sites of colonial history and attempt to communicate with wandering souls via their radio sets. Black Hole oscillates between mediumistic device and ghost trap, tracking the strange paths of reincarnation, right up to the short circuit.

Debate with the two directors, Emmanuel Grimaud, anthropologist at the Laboratory of Ethnology and Comparative Sociology (CNRS) and Arnaud Deshayes, and Marie-Caroline Saglio, anthropologist specializing in India (Inalco/CESSMA).