First professional round table: Media professions to tell the story of a world on the move

Editors, journalists and creators play an essential role in connecting culture to current events, whether political, international or social. At the intersection of information and creation, they take up the challenge of deciphering the world, narrating its dynamics and exploring the place of culture in an ever-changing context.
During this roundtable discussion, Inalco alumni will share their varied career paths, in which media and communication become powerful levers for informing, analyzing and enhancing current affairs.
How do we deal with current affairs from a cultural angle? What are the challenges of content production in a changing media world? Our speakers will share their experiences and thoughts on how culture dialogues with major contemporary issues.
- Alumna in International Relations - Arabic language, Louise Laroque obtained a law degree from Paris 1, then took a year off to study intensive Arabic at Inalco. She then decided to pursue her studies in the Middle East, and joined Inalco's International Relations master's program with a specialization in Arabic. Her career path led to several internships in the civil service, notably at the French Embassy in Jordan, as well as an internship at Brut, mainly on Brut Afrique, as a journalist documentalist, where she stayed for two years. Since June 2024, she has been a video editor at the Délégation à l'information et à la communication de la défense (DICoD) at the Ministry of the Armed Forces.
- Alumnus of the Japanese degree, Paolo Falcone is currently a journalist, writer and photographer specializing in Japanese culture, as well as a production assistant. Paolo Falcone holds a Master 2 in Japanese language research, with a specialization in classical Japanese literature. For the past three years, he has been working as an editor for Japan Magazine. Thanks to his mastery of the Japanese language, he was also able to work as an assistant production manager in the events sector for two years. Paolo Falcone is also a photographer and writer. He was published in Inalco's first multilingual short story competition. In addition, he had the opportunity to take part in an artistic residency in France as a haijin.
- Alumna with a bachelor's degree in Japanese and a master's in International Trade, Marie Le Grand is co-founder of Kôdô, an independent media dedicated to the curation, production and dissemination of engaged academic knowledge. Initially a student-entrepreneur within the Pépite France network, she then joined the Source incubator, which supports women in cultural entrepreneurship. Through Kôdô, she has developed expertise in editorial marketing and video and audio production, working with independent media (Mediapart), committed researchers (Marwan Mohammed, Mame-Fatou Niang, Éric Fassin), publishing houses (Présence Africaine, Divergences, La Fabrique) and higher education establishments (EHESS, Sciences Po, Paris VIII). She has also piloted social networking campaigns, racking up over 1.5 million views, and structured a production offering for institutional partners.