Étudiants Relais-Santé (ERS)
The ERS act as a bridge between students and student health services (SSE) , health professionals, associative structures, prevention or care. Their role is to facilitate students' daily lives by informing and supporting them on health issues.
The Étudiant Relais Santé (ERS) program is managed by the REVE service and the Service de Santé Étudiants (SSE). It is funded by the Contribution de vie Étudiante et de Campus (CVEC).
Their missions
- Identify, listen to, guide and help students on issues related to prevention and health.
- Promote awareness of the services offered by the Student Health Service (SSE) and provide information on access to other local healthcare structures.
- Contribute to the creation of promotional tools for the service, as well as media adapted to the various prevention themes: sexual health, well-being and mental health, addictions, alcohol, festive risks, diet, and access to care.
- Organize and evaluate, in collaboration with SSE professionals, prevention actions in students' living environments.
Gather information on students' quality of life, as well as the difficulties and concerns they encounter on a daily basis, and discuss situations likely to expose them to risk.
Find them, at cafés-santé, or Journées de sensibilisation au Handicap or Journées Santé, bien-être, prévention et réduction des risques
Student Health Service (SSE)
The Student Health Service (SSE) is a health service offering free consultations dedicated to students. Its professionals include doctors with special skills in tobaccoology, sexual health, nutrition, sports medicine, psychologists and nurses.
Care and reimbursement services are provided on presentation of the student card, the up-to-date "carte vitale" (or its certificate) and, if applicable, the mutual insurance certificate. Throughout the academic year, the SSE sets up local actions on various health themes, drawing on a network of some forty partners.