Student association: instructions for use

Creating an association at Inalco
Creating an association is neither difficult nor costly. A simple declaration enables your association to acquire legal personality, open a bank account, receive donations and develop its activities.
I/ The Articles of Association
I.1) Drafting the Articles of Association
The Articles of Association are the reference text for an association; the equivalent of the Constitution in a political regime. They must comply with the law and provide a legal framework for the association. They may be accompanied by a set of internal regulations, which specify certain points not covered by the articles of association. You can find examples of statutes on the public service website or on other suitable platforms.
I.2) Draw up lists of managing members and planned activities
It is imperative that you draw up a list of the future association's managing members
You will also need to draw up a project of activities and actions you plan to undertake after the creation of your association.
I.3) Make an appointment with the REVE department
Parallel to drafting the above documents, make an appointment with the Réussite Etudiante et de la Vie Etudiante department ( to benefit from tailor-made support. Student Life will check all documents in collaboration with the school's legal department.
I.4) Meeting at the founding assembly
The founding members meet at the founding assembly for the chairman to present the draft articles of association. The meeting adopts the draft and establishes the list of members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and their functions within the association. The minutes of the founding meeting record all the decisions taken.
See sample founding meeting minutes in the appendix below.
II/ The declaration procedure with the Prefecture
Once you have received a favorable opinion, you can begin the procedure for declaring your association with the Prefecture of Police (in Paris). This is a procedure you carry out online on the public service website dedicated to 1901 law associations.
III/ Insertion of the association in the JOAFE
You will need to request insertion in the Journal Officiel des Associations et Fondations d'Entreprises (JOAFE) as this is the only legal proof attesting to the legal existence of the association. It is therefore imperative to keep the original and a digitized archive of the certificate of insertion in the JOAFE.
Some useful links
IV/ Insurance and banking
As soon as your association is legally recognized, you need to take out civil liability insurance and open a bank account.
Find out (for example from other Inalco associations) to compare the rates, advantages and disadvantages of different banks.
Generally, the bank can offer you insurance (taken out with a partner insurance company). Get in touch with an advisor before making an appointment so that he or she can tell you all the supporting documents you'll need to bring with you when you open the account.
Getting an association recognized and/or domiciled at Inalco
I / Recognition as an Inalco student association
In order to be recognized as an "Inalco student association", an association must send (in scanned version) to the REVE department ( a recognition request file (downloadable below) completed, signed and accompanied by the supporting documents requested therein.*
*As the file must be presented to the CVEC Commission (CoCVEC), the association must consult the CoCVEC dates indicated and respect the deadlines for transmission of the said file.
- The file is examined by the REVE department and Inalco's legal department.
- The file is presented to the CoCvec. For a new association applying for recognition, a presentation will be made by the association's president at the CoCVEC (members, purpose, projects, etc.), but this is not systematic for an existing association (CoCVEC reserves the right to summon the association's leaders to present their application for recognition if it deems this necessary).
- If CoCVEC approves the application, the final recognition decision is submitted to the President of Inalco for approval. If this is obtained, the decision is notified by e-mail to the association, a recognition decision is signed by the president of Inalco, and finally the president of the association will sign the Inalco Student Association Charter (modalities to be discussed with the REVE service).
Note 1, recognition is granted on a precarious and revocable basis. It will end if the association ceases to fulfill its obligations or in the event of misconduct, failure to meet the conditions required to benefit from it, cessation of activity or dissolution of the association. Cf article 2.3 of the Charte des associations de l'Inalco
Nota 2: An application for recognition of an association does not claim either domiciliation or accommodation at Inalco.
II / Domiciliation of the association at Inalco
In order to be recognized as a "student association of Inalco", an association must send (in digital format) to the REVE department ( an application for domiciliation (downloadable below), completed, signed and accompanied by the supporting documents requested.*
Please note that all members of the association's board and more than half of its members must be regularly enrolled at Inalco in their main course of study.
The REVE department and the legal department examine and check the application's conformity. The request for recognition is submitted to the CVEC Commission for its opinion, and then to the President of Inalco for approval. The decision is notified to the association by the REVE department.
Note - Domiciliation is the physical location of the association's head office. It does not give the right to accommodation.
III / Case of local branches from structures outside Inalco
Creation of a local branch at Inalco
Associations domiciled outside Inalco (such as nationally representative student organizations or general or branch federations) which federations) wishing to set up a local student branch at Inalco and carry out activities on campus must submit the application form (in digital format) and supporting documents to the REVE department ( (downloadable below).below).*
If the creation of the antenna is accepted, an authorization to carry out activities on campus will be issued for one year.
Beware, the authorization for a local student antenna at Inalco to carry out activities on campus must be renewed every year!
Note 1, authorization is granted on a precarious and revocable basis. It will expire if the association ceases to fulfill its obligations or in the event of misconduct, failure to meet the conditions required to benefit from it, cessation of activity or dissolution of the association. Cf article 2.3 of the Charte des associations de l'Inalco
Nota 2: A request for the creation of a local branch of an association does not claim to be domiciled or housed at Inalco.
Renewal of recognition / domiciliation of an association at Inalco
I / Duration and Renewal of recognition / domiciliation
Recognition as well as domiciliation come into effect from the signing of the Inalco Associations Charter for the duration of the current academic year.
Recognition as an Inalco association and/or domiciliation at Inalco must be renewed every year!
II / Renewal procedures
An association recognized as an Inalco association and/or domiciled at Inalco must submit to the REVE department ( the file (in digital format) requesting renewal of recognition and/or domiciliation at Inalco, together with the required supporting documents. (file sent on request by the REVE service )
A local student branch already recognized by Inalco must submit to the REVE service ( the file (in digital version) requesting renewal of the right to carry out activities on campus, together with the supporting documents requested (downloadable below). *
*As the application must be presented to the CVEC Commission (CoCVEC), the association must consult the CoCVEC dates indicated and respect the deadlines for submitting the said application.
III / Case of local branches: renewal of authorization to carry out activities on campus
A local student branch already recognized at Inalco must submit to the REVE department ( the file (in digital version) requesting renewal of the right to carry out activities on campus together with the supporting documents requested (file downloadable below).*
*As the file must be presented to the CVEC Commission (CoCVEC), the association must consult the CoCVEC dates indicated and respect the deadlines for transmission of the said file.
Attention authorization for a local student branch at Inalco to exercise activities on campus must be renewed every year!
Premises can be allocated, on request, to domiciled associations only, subject to availability. As the premises available for use by associations are insufficient to accommodate each association in isolation, they will be pooled between several associations.
The full-time allocation of premises to an association requires the establishment of an occupation authorization agreement to be signed between the president of Inalco and the association's legal representative.
Financial aid
Recognized student associations can benefit from financial aid:
Aid for the creation of a student association (lump sum determined each year by CoCVEC and voted by the Board of Directors) - after recognition
Operating aid for a student association (lump sum determined each year by CoCVEC and voted by the Board of Directors) - after recognition renewal
Support for FSDIE student initiative projects (see page "Organizing and financing activities (weekly workshops, events, etc."
Financial support for CVEC projects
Association étudiante Inalco: Mode d'emploi 23-24 (330.43 KB, .pdf)
Charte Asso_etudiantes Inalco 2023 (323.65 KB, .pdf)
Charte Asso_etudiantes Inalco 2023
Fiche de déclaration Evénements festifs (515.22 KB, .pdf)
Exemple statuts association (312.33 KB, .pdf)
Exemple Assemblée Générale constitutive (164.69 KB, .pdf)
Reconnaissance association Inalco 23-24 (936.39 KB, .docx)
Création Antenne locale Inalco association étudiante 23-24 (58.6 KB, .docx)
Renouvellement Reconnaissance et ou domiciliation association Inalco 23-24 (49.83 KB, .docx)
Renouvellement Autorisation activités antenne étudiante locale Inalco 23-24 (54.47 KB, .docx)
Bilan moral association 22-23 (69.69 KB, .docx)
Bilan financier association 2023 (10.47 KB, .xlsx)
Convention AOT Spécimen23-24_VF.pdf (135.92 KB, .pdf)