Alphonse Dupront : About Romania
Texts followed by correspondence with Emil Cioran, Mircea Eliade and Eugène Ionesco
22 €
Alphonse Dupront (1905-1990), historian of collective sensibilities and anthropologist of the sacred, whose thesis, Le Mythe de croisade (1956), was a landmark in French historiography, had a little-known passion for Romania. This passion was born when he was head of the French Institute in Bucharest, between 1932 and 1940, and accompanied him throughout the prodigious scientific career he pursued in France, at the University of Montpellier and then at the Sorbonne.
Scattered throughout publications that are not easily accessible or completely unpublished, the texts brought together for the first time in this volume are a revealing testimony to his clear-sighted view of Romanian history and realities, in the continuity of a Michelet or a Quinet. This volume, introduced by a substantial study of the Romanian part of Dupront's intellectual biography, also contains his correspondence with Cioran, Ionesco and Eliade, whom he supported during their difficult settling in France.
Stefan Lemny is a doctor at EHESS and a specialist in cultural history. His publications include Les Cantemir : l’aventure européenne d'une famille princière au XVIIIe siècle (Paris, Complexe, 2009) and Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie : une vie face à l'histoire (Paris, Hermann, 2018).
342 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 19/09/2023
ISBN: 9782858314287