Terrains japonais - 1st meeting of the Association interdisciplinaire des ethnographies japonaises, March 24 and 25

The Institut français de recherche sur l'Asie de l'Est-IFRAE (Inalco-Université Paris Cité-CNRS) and the Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale-CRCAO (CNRS-Collège de France-EPHE-Université Paris Cité) are co-organizing the first Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale-CRCAO (CNRS-Collège de France-EPHE-Université Paris Cité) are co-organizing the first edition of the Rencontres de l'Association interdisciplinaire des ethnographies japonaises to be held on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 March 2022, in person at the Université de Paris and Inalco, and also online.
Updated: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
To attend the face-to-face days:
Thursday, March 24, 2022:
- 9:15am-5:00pm - Université Paris Cité (Grands Moulins Bâtiment C) - room 481C
- 6:00pm-8:00pm - Inalco (PLC, Paris 13e) - Auditorium (Screening of a documentary film)
Friday, March 25, 2022:
- 10:00-14:00 - Université Paris Cité (Grands Moulins Bâtiment C) - room 481C
To attend the days online, contact the organizers for the Zoom link:
Rencontres de l'Association interdisciplinaire des ethnographies japonaises - 1ère édition
Rencontre organized by Jean-Michel Butel, César Castellvi and Anne-Lise Mithout
Institutional support: Conseil scientifique de l'Inalco, CRCAO, GIS Asie, IFRAE
Les rencontres de l'Interdisciplinary Association of Japanese Ethnographies are an annual gathering enabling participants to present the results of their recent investigations and initiate new collaborations around the shared practice of applied ethnography in Japan.
Beyond disciplines and objects, ethnographic practice constitutes an effective and specific approach to deepening analysis of contemporary Japan. The Interdisciplinary Association of Japanese Ethnographies aims to be a space of exchange for researchers in Japonology using field practice as part of their research. These Rencontres aim to provide an opportunity to take stock of recent survey results and upcoming projects; initiate new collaborations; open a window to students interested in applied ethnography in Japan; deepen questions about the ethnographic method and share "field tricks".
These two days will be structured around a workshop to present participants' work. They will also host a discussion area on recent publications, as well as the presentation of documentary films.
At the end of the 1st day, the projection of the documentary film 空に聞く [Listening to the air] by KOMORI Haruka (2018, 73 minutes) - Jury Prize at the Fenêtres sur le Japon 2021, will be held at the auditorium of Inalco.
Following the screening a short discussion will be moderated by Dimitri Ianni, co-organizer of the Fenêtres sur le Japon festival.