Survey: Research, training and expertise in "impeded" or "hindered" areas - initial results

The questionnaire aimed to shed light on the evolution of practices, survey methods and research training in SHS in contexts where access to fieldwork and data collection are made difficult or "prevented" by various political, security, administrative or transitional circumstances.
We publish the initial results of this survey, based on responses from over 400 researchers. The survey reveals that 80% of respondents face restrictions on access to their land. It highlights the superimposition of constraints (politico-administrative, security, diplomatic) and the crucial importance of time in research. Difficulties of access significantly transform research practices, increasing costs and creating new dependencies on local partners. In the face of these challenges, the study identifies two major needs, crucial to maintaining and renewing expertise in these fields: formalizing methods for collecting, analyzing and ensuring the reliability of data collected remotely, and systematizing training in issues linked to constraints, as well as in methodology, ethics and data processing. The results underline the urgent need to adapt institutional support as well as training and coaching arrangements to maintain areal expertise in constrained fields.
Allès Delphine, Perrodin Louise, « Recherche, formation et expertise sur des terrains ‘empêchés’ ou ‘entravés’ – Pratiques, méthodes et nouvelles ressources », Data paper #1, Inalco, Décembre 2024 (3.83 MB, .pdf)
Allès Delphine, Aubry Ayrton, Perrodin Louise, Pundziute-Gallois Emilija, "Recherche, formation et expertise sur des terrains "empêchés" ou "entravés" : enquête auprès des chercheurs en études aréales", survey data, NAKALA - (Huma-Num - CNRS), December 2024.
Survey developed by Delphine Allès (Inalco, CASE), Ayrton Aubry (Inalco post-doc, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III) and Emilija Pundziute-Gallois (Inalco post-doc, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania). Data processed between October and December 2024 by Louise Perrodin (Inalco post-doc, CASE).