Seminar "Opening research in areal studies: actors, data and mediation".

In a context where opening up knowledge is becoming a central issue, this seminar proposes to explore new forms of producing, disseminating and sharing research. How can we make science more accessible, participatory and collaborative? What tools and practices make it possible to involve a variety of players - researchers, citizens, institutions - in the construction of knowledge?
Through four sessions, we will address key themes such as citizen science, open science data management, new collaborative platforms, and alternative modes of scientific mediation. Each session will bring together experts and practitioners engaged in these open dynamics.
Session 1: What is citizen science?
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 2pm-4pm - online
Learn more
Session 2: The LaCAS platform - A collaborative tool for disseminating areal studies knowledge.
Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 4-6pm - online
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Session 3: Data from the web: conducting research in the digital age.
Wednesday, May 7, at 10:30 am - online
Information to come.
Session 4: Forms of scientific mediation: Experimentarium and alternative writing.
End of May
Information to come.
- Assen Slim, deputy vice-president research (open science, digital humanities, science and society)
- Mathilda Lacroix, head of the events and cultural action department
- Sarah Cadorel, head of the scientific information, archives and heritage department
- Bastien Sepulveda, in charge of digital humanities, research, valorization and doctoral studies department
Contact: Assen Slim -