The RIETI project, led by Alessandro Guetta, winner of the ANR-DFG Franco-German call for projects in the social and human sciences.

This project is led by Mr. Alessandro Guetta and his counterpart Ms. Elisabeth Hollender from the Goethe Universität in Frankfurt, in collaboration with two other French researchers and one German researcher. This Franco-German team will also involve Ms Silvia Negri, a doctoral student at Inalco.
Alessandro Guetta is Professor of Jewish Philosophy and Thought at Inalco, and a specialist in Jewish intellectual history in the modern period, with a particular focus on the culture of Italian Jews from the 15th to the 19th century.
-"Mosheh da Rieti (XVe-XVe s.), philosopher, scientist and poet", lecture delivered to the Société des Études Juives, in Revue des Études Juives, 158 (3-4), July-December 1999, pp. 577-586.
-"Lev levavi ha-neehav: ha-qinah shel Mosheh-mi-Rieti 'al petirat ishto" ("My beloved heart". Critical edition with notes of Mosheh de Rieti's unpublished elegy on the death of his wife, with an introduction on the author and his work), in Te'udah 19 (2002), Studies in Hebrew Literature of the Middle Age and the Renaissance in Honor of Professor Yona David, ed. Tova Rosen and Avner Holzmann, pp. 309-327.
- Critical edition with introduction, English translation and commentary of the first two chants of Miqdash me'at, encyclopedia in verse by Moshe of Rieti (15th c.), in Prooftexts, vol. 23 n° 1, 2003, special issue: Medieval Jewish Literature, ed. Raymond P. Scheindlin. (with Dvora Bregman of Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, and Raymond P. Scheindlin of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York)
- Les Juifs d'Italie à la Renaissance, Paris, Albin Michel, 2017
Elisabeth Hollender, of Frankfurt's Goethe University, is one of the world's leading scholars of medieval Hebrew poetry in Europe.
Rieti - A Hebrew Dante: Moshe da Rieti's Miqdash Me'at (Little Sanctuary), its Cultural Background and its Reception
The aim of this three-year project is to produce a critical edition, with translation, notes, critical studies (historical, philosophical, literary etc.) of the most important Hebrew philosophical poem of the 15th century, written in Italy by Moshe da Rieti (1388-1460).
Miqdash Me'at is a beautiful monumental work of over three thousand verses written in Hebrew to the Italian meter of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, of which it constitutes a kind of "Jewish response", with other cultural references, a different kind of Paradise etc. This "Little Shrine" has never been published after a first edition in the 19th century, which was good but lacking in pomp and based on two manuscripts, whereas dozens of them, partial or complete, exist in several libraries around the world.
The aim is thus to make available to interested researchers and readers a work of great importance for European intellectual history in a period of transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (categories which are of course debatable, particularly for the history of Jewish culture). Periodic meetings, colloquia, online and print publications are planned.