Presentation of the book "La Chine face au monde: une puissance résistible", December 6

Free admission upon registration (FULL EVENT) and presentation of health pass. The event will be broadcast live.
Inalco - Maison de la recherche
2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Auditorium Georges Dumézil
Summary of the book
An outsized power, China has thwarted all Western predictions. Its economic development has not been accompanied by democratization, and its diplomatic isolation must be put into perspective. Increasingly opposed to the West, which it is challenging, it is on the other hand finding important relays in the countries of the South, which it has long seduced. But for how much longer? India has opted for a rapprochement with Washington and its allies in a strategy of containment, the Indo-Pacific, the viability of which is nonetheless uncertain. The state of the world economy, the environmental crisis and terrorism show that China remains more a force of proposition than a reliable partner. Unavoidable, China is no less committed to our future, and this vade mecum will help decision-makers and opinion-formers of all generations in their own reflections.
Speaker biographies
Emmanuel Lincot is a professor in the Faculty of Letters at the Institut Catholique (ICP). A historian and sinologist, he is also a research associate at the Institut des Relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS), where he edits the magazine Asia Focus. He created the Master Stratégies muséales et gestion de projet - Asie and produced the first MOOC on the geopolitics of China, in partnership with France Université Numérique.
Emmanuel Véron holds a doctorate in geography and is a specialist in contemporary China and international relations. He has taught the geography and geopolitics of China at Inalco. He is an associate professor at UMR IFRAE (Inalco) and at the Ecole navale. He is General Delegate of the Fonds de Dotation Brousse dell'Aquila (FDBDA).
Chloé Froissart is Professor of History and Political Science in the Department of Chinese Studies at Inalco. She specializes in state-society relations in China and Hong Kong, and the evolution of the Chinese regime. She worked for twelve years in China and Hong Kong, notably as a researcher at the Centre d'Etudes Français sur la Chine contemporaine (Hong Kong) and director of the Centre Franco-chinois en sciences sociales at Tsinghua University (Beijing). She is a member of the editorial board of China Perspectives.