Online publication of the conference "Yiddish and translation" organized from August 30th to September 1st, 2021 by Arnaud Bikard
The CERMOM is pleased to announce the online publication of the conference "Yiddish and translation" which was held at Zoom from August 30th to September 1st, 2021.

Colloquium "Yiddish and translation"
Most talks were offered in English, a few in Yiddish.
Contributions were varied, both from a disciplinary and methodological point of view. The functions and challenges of translation from and into Yiddish were addressed over a wide period (from the 19th to the 21st century) and in a variety of geographical contexts (America, Israel, Poland, etc.). Case studies were proposed on various literary fields: poetry, political writings, children's literature, popular literature, but also on both folk and contemporary music.
Two plenary lectures were proposed by Saul Zaritt (Harvard University) and Chana Kronfeld (University of Berkley-California) concerning the theoretical challenges posed by the relationship of Yiddish to other European languages.
A round-table discussion, in English and Yiddish, offered an overview of translation from Yiddish in France, Russia, Poland and the USA.
All information on the symposium and links to the videos can be found at: Yiddish and Translation - Digital Conference: August 30th-September 1st 2021.
Conference "Yiddish and translation"
Most of the presentations were in English, some in Yiddish.
Contributions have been diverse both from a disciplinary and from a methodological point of view. The functions and challenges of translation from and to Yiddish have been analysed over a large period (from the 19th to the 21st century) and in different geographic surroundings (America, USSR, Israel, Poland, etc.). Case studies have been proposed not only on various literary genres: poetry, polemical writings, children and popular literature, but also on folk and contemporary music.
Two plenary talks, by Saul Zaritt (Harvard University) and Chana Kronfeld (University of Berkley-California), have been held about the theoretical issues that arise from the relationship between Yiddish and other European languages.
A round table, in English and Yiddish, has offered an overview of existing translations from Yiddish in France, Russia, Poland and the United States, as well as a presentation of the current projects in the field.
All the information about the conference, as well as the links to the videos, can be found on the website: Yiddish and Translation - Digital Conference: August 30th-September 1st 2021.
Organizer / Organizer :
Arnaud Bikard (CERMOM, Inalco)
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