Lecture "The 'shot Renaissance' in Ukraine (1920s-1930s): figures of a sacrificed intelligentsia".

As part of the cycle of meetings"Ukraine: affirmation and recognition of a nation" initiated by BnF, BULAC and Inalco, a half-day study session looks back at the major figures of Ukrainian literature in the 1920s who were repressed by the Bolsheviks. To close, the documentary film Slovo House by Taras Tomenko will be screened.
Friday June 16, 2023 - 14:00-18:00 - Petit Auditorium
Bibliothèque nationale de France - Paris 13ème
This event will be broadcast live on the BnF Youtube channel
Free admission - Reservation recommended
It is recommended to arrive early (up to 20 minutes before the event)
In the aftermath of the 1917 Revolution, a new generation of men and women of letters in Ukraine, buoyed by hopes of national emancipation, inaugurated a "Renaissance" of Ukrainian literature. In the 1920s, the number of works published in Ukraine multiplied as never before, and several literary groups emerged, the most famous of which was Vaplitè, the Free Academy of Proletarian Literature.
The Bolshevik repression that followed in the 1930s saw these writers disappear from the Ukrainian cultural scene, either through assassination or literary death as a result of (self)censorship or exile.
On this afternoon dedicated to the "Shot Renaissance", some of the great figures of this generation are presented: the writer Mykola Khvylovyi, leader and literary theorist of Vaplitè, Mikhail Semenko, initiator of Ukrainian Futurism or Yuri Ianovski, member of Vaplitè whose novel Les Cavaliers (1930) was adapted by Louis Aragon in 1957. An anthology of the same name, published by Yuri Lavrinenko and Jerzy Giedroyc in 1959, is a monument to a literature that paid the price of blood to exist. Remarkable documents from the collections of the BnF are set against talks by specialists.
To view the program, click here.
Iryna Dmytrychyn (CREE, Inalco)