Languages online. Regards sur nos dispositifs de formation", March 22

International symposium organized in hybrid by Plurality of Languages and Identities: Didactics - Acquisition - Mediations (PLIDAM, Inalco) on the occasion of the launch of the MOOC initiation to dongba writing (writing in danger).
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 09.00-17.30 - PLC (Paris 13e) - Auditorium / and online
Free admission.
Log-in link to attend the symposium remotely via ZOOM:
Languages online. Regards sur nos dispositifs de formation
At a time when the range of technical means is widening, between physical and virtual realities, multiple tools are taking hold in the field of foreign language pedagogy which, accessible online, aim to be both stimulating, innovative and scientifically valid.
The aim of this symposium is to examine the links between content (linguistic and cultural), pedagogical scenarios, resources (text, audio, video, animated presentation) and players (teachers, learners and engineers) in training.
This day will give the floor to teacher-designers of devices who all have in common the desire to advance thinking around e-learning, a subject they tackle in different ways according to their approaches and the fields in which they work.
In order to highlight the variety of tools that already exist or are being developed, the symposium proposes to bring together those in charge of European programs committed to the exploitation of digital technology in language teaching, in a forum open to teachers, researchers and doctoral students from Inalco and its partners.
9:00 - Welcome
9:10 - 10:00 - Official opening, chaired by Joël Bellassen
Thomas Szende, Director of PLIDAM
Jean-François Huchet, President of Inalco
Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
LI Yuming, representative of Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)
Stéphane Berthet, Vice-Rector of the University of Geneva (UNIGE)
Plenary session DONGBA
10:00 am - 10:40 am - First part, chaired by Diana Jamborova Lemay
Joël Bellassen, PLIDAM, Inalco - Le MOOC Dongba dans tous ses états
Jade Wang Szilas, University of Geneva, PLIDAM, Inalco - The Dongba MOOC seen from the inside
10:40 - 11:00 - Coffee break
11:00 - 12:10 - Second part, chaired by Jade Wang Szilas
YANG Yihua, Southwest University in China - The dongba script of the Naxi, living fossil of a pictography
ZHOU Yin, University of Chongqing Jiaotong, China - Formation and evolution of the dongba script
ZHANG Xu, President of ADCA, Beijing Dongba Culture and Arts Association - Revitalizing the ancient Dongba script
CHEN Nan, Tsinghua University, China - Diffusing the Dongba script through artistic design
Link to view the video recording of the session on the Introduction to Dongba Writing MOOC project
12:10 - 1:10pm - Lunch break and Dongba writing demonstration
13h10 - 14h20 - Second session, Chaired by Diana Jamborova Lemay
Louise Ouvrard, PLIDAM, Inalco - MOOC of Malagasy - feedback
Sibel Berk-Bozdemir, PLIDAM, Inalco - MOOC of Turkish on the eve of launch
Iman Massoud Sridi, PLIDAM, Inalco - Egyptian dialectal Arabic - from MOOC to AHFLO: pour une hybridization de l'enseignement des langues
14:20 - 15:30 - Third session, chaired by Patrice Pognan
San San Hnin Tun, LACITO, Inalco - BurmeseMOOC
César Itier, CERLOM, Inalco - MOOC initiation to Quechua : l'enseignement de la grammaire en immersion
Christelle Hoppe, PLIDAM, Inalco - Retetour d'expérience du MOOC "Décloisonner les langues: approches plurielles du français": Case study of plurilingual affordances within forums
3:30pm - 5:00pm - Fourth session, chaired by Ivan Šmilauer
Antonella Corvaglia-Gaillard, Patrice Pognan and Aliou Mohamadou, PLIDAM, Inalco - PEAPL_LAB/Plateforme Européenne d'Apprentissage Personnalisé des Langues - European Platform for Personalized Learning of Languages
Diana Jamborova Lemay and Miriam Pavlovičová, PLIDAM, Inalco - SLOVAKE.EU 3 - platform for learning Slovak for allophones
Diana Jamborova Lemay and Miriam Pavlovičová, PLIDAM, Inalco - VORTOJ - an interactive game for learning vocabulary in motion
17:00 - Official closingby Ivan Šmilauer, Delegate Vice President for Digital, Inalco, PLIDAM
Scientific leaders:
Diana Lemay, MCF
Patrice Pognan, PU emeritus,
Thomas Szende, PU
Joël Bellassen, former PU, honorary IG
Jade Wang Szilas
Organizing committee:
Diana Lemay
Joël Bellassen
Jade Wang Szilas
Cristina Birsan
Miriam Pavlovičová
Langues en ligne. Regards sur nos dispositifs de formation - Programme et résumés des interventions (489.84 KB, .pdf)
Langues en ligne - Affiche (1.07 MB, .pdf)