Islam Middle East and Muslim Worlds thesis prize-giving ceremony for 2024

The Islam, Middle East and Muslim Worlds (IMOMM) Thesis Prizes bring together several prizes awarded to young doctors who have defended their theses in the humanities and social sciences between 2020 and 2022. These theses are at the heart of the most innovative research, in terms of methodology, theory and the use of original sources. They bear witness to the vitality of this field of study and provide a better understanding of societies in the Middle Eastern and Muslim worlds.
These prizes are organized by the Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans (GIS MOMM, UAR2999) and the Institut d'études de l'Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM, UAR2500). Theses were selected by a multidisciplinary jury comprising members of GIS MOMM and IISMM, and chaired this year by Eric Vallet (Professor, University of Strasbourg).
The Inalco Foundation, which has made it a priority to contribute to the development of areal studies relating to Asia, the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Africa and to promote research in these fields, is honored to be associated with it.
The prix de la thèse francophone,awarded by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, is awarded to Dima ALSAJDEYA for her thesis Egyptian foreign policy under Mubarak and the Israeli-Palestinian question (1981-2011): beyond a lever of power (dir. Julian Fernandez and Henry Laurens, 2023, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas and Collège de France).
The Prix Langues et littératures du Moyen-Orient,awarded by Inalco and the Inalco Foundation, is awarded to Ali MANOUBI, for his thesis entitled: Le hobyot: description grammaticale d'une langue sudarabique moderne (dir. Frédéric Lagrange and Julien Dufour, 2023, Sorbonne Université).
The GIS MOMM prize is awarded to Camille ABESCAT, for her thesis entitled: Dans la chambre du royaume. Les parlementaires face à l'évolution des conditions d'exercice du métier politique en Jordanie (2016-2023) (dir. Élise Massicard and Éric Verdeil, 2023, Sciences Po Paris).
The IISMM prize is awarded to Mehdi AYACHI, for his thesis entitled: L'État lecteur. Ethnologie de la vie intellectuelle au sultanat d'Oman (dir. Laurent Berger and Franck Mermier, 2023, EHESS).
Le prix Michel Seurat
This prize is awarded by the Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans (GIS MOMM / UAR2999), in collaboration with the Institut d'études de l'Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM / UAR 2500) and Orient XXI. The Michel Seurat Prize is intended exclusively for theses in progress, nourished by a strong involvement in a field and whose originality and excellence are already affirmed.
The jury, chaired by Chantal Verdeil, professor at INALCO, was made up of researchers and teacher-researchers, most of whom are members of the IISMM steering committee and the Scientific Council of the GIS Middle East and Muslim Worlds.
The prix Michel Seurat 2024 is awarded to Amr ABDELRAHIM, who is preparing a thesis entitled Rhymes from the Margins: New School Rap and the Rise of Subaltern Youth's Voices to the Center of Egyptian Popular Culture under the supervision of Stéphane Lacroix (Sciences-Po CERI) and Nicolas Puig (IRD, Urmis).