Internal call for projects in digital pedagogical innovation 2024-2025

14 October 2024
  • Distance learning

  • Training

Supporting the hybridization of training courses in oriental languages and civilizations
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Inalco is launching a fifth internal call for projects in digital pedagogy as part of the AHFLO' scheme (Accompagnement de l'hybridization des formations en langues et civilisations orientales).

The aim of this call is to support Inalco teachers in carrying out any project aimed at developing hybrid and distance teaching. As the terms and conditions of the "Référentiel d'équivalences horaires" are currently being revised, they are provided for your information (Appendix 1). Indeed, after three years, "Hybridation" funding from MESRI has had to be discontinued.

Any project organizing itself in the form of distance learning, with or without funding, requiring or not support from the "Support for digital teaching" unit, must go through the AHFLO' call for projects.


Digital pedagogy is one of Inalco's strategic axes.

It aims to:

  • Target new audiences through the opening of distance learning (EAD);
  • Incite pedagogical innovation via digital technology to meet the specific needs of the initial and continuing education student public ;
  • Promote and develop "small enrolment" language courses;
  • Consolidate all of the establishment's courses;
  • Develop teaching on issues relating to the ecological transition and sustainable development in Inalco's areas of specialization.

Expected projects

  • 1. Team projects aiming, in the long term, to open or transfer to distance learning complete degree courses (institutional diploma, bachelor's degree, master's degree)

There are three modalities depending on needs and potential audiences:

The comodal modality (hybridization categories 2 and 4, see appendices) consists in giving the possibility of following face-to-face courses at a distance (synchronous or asynchronous). There is no creation of new courses or additional groups.

Students have no specific EAD enrolment fees and are free to change their mode of attendance, whether face-to-face or remote, during the semester. This flexible approach enables small languages in particular to reach new target groups, with no constraints on enrolment or need for additional operating resources. The AHFLO' scheme helps to create the digital resources needed to enable students to follow these existing courses properly at a distance.

The bimodal modality (hybridization category 5) consists in creating one or more groups dedicated to the distance teaching of an already existing course. The courses in the distance groups are then considered as independent courses (with different codes from those in the classroom) and it is impossible for students to switch between the two modes of follow-up during the semester. This means that students can choose how they wish to follow the course. It is, however, necessary to assess the financial impact in the case involving the creation of one or more additional groups.

The last, entirely distancial modality, concerns a course opened solely in distancial mode, by transformation of an existing face-to-face course or by creation, after examination and validation.

  • 2. Individual projects as part of a modular approach (the coherent hybridization of a few CEs within a diploma).
  • 3. Any other project falling within the framework of innovation in digital pedagogy, particularly on poorly endowed languages and issues relating to ecological transition and sustainable development in Inalco's areas of specialization.


As no net creation is currently envisaged, any creation of a new course must be offset by the deletion of another course representing an equivalent hourly volume, subject to validation by CFVE (Conseil des formations et de la vie étudiante) upstream.

The creation of a new distance learning course is only conceivable through the complete transformation of an existing face-to-face course, or if it can ensure financial autonomy for its operation (teaching costs less than 40% of revenue made up of student registration fees) subject to validation by CFVE upstream.

Projects involving the hybridization of existing courses (in bimodal or comodal modality) or the transformation of existing courses into fully distance learning can be submitted directly during the current AHFLO' campaign.

Constitution of the application file

Colleagues are invited to complete the "Application Form" (Appendix 2), specifying:

  • The title of the project,
  • The project leader and, where applicable, the members of the teaching team,
  • The department or stream concerned,
  • The title of the degree(s) concerned,
  • The titles, number of ECTS credits and number of hours of the UEs concerned,
  • The hybridization category according to the "Référentiel d'équivalences horaires", planned for each CE involved in the project :
  1. enriched face-to-face
  2. enriched face-to-face broadcast live via videoconferencing
  3. blended course
  4. co-modal teaching
  5. bimodal teaching
  6. MOOC and SPOC
  7. outside category (eg. subtitling of existing projects)
  • The presentation of the project (one demi-page maximum)
  • A provisional timetable (in particular the desired date for opening the teaching to the public)
  • The specific technical resources to be provided by the TICE-DSIRN unit (studio shoots, video postproduction, etc.) or any other needs you may already have foreseen.

In the case of the creation of abimodal training, is requested, in addition to the above form, the document specifying the following points:

  1. model of existing face-to-face training to be offered remotely;
  2. possibility of using existing budgets (transforming existing face-to-face groups into distance learning, or pooling distance learning groups with existing face-to-face groups)
  3. provisional number of registrants (conservative assumption)

For new projects in categories 2, 3, 4 and 5, applications must include a reasoned opinion from the department/stream council or the Cross-disciplinary Commission or the Master's Training Commission.

Please anticipate obtaining this opinion before submitting the application.

Selection procedures

Application files will be examined by the "Commission pour la pédagogie numérique" (CPN), whose composition is specified in the "Référentiel d'équivalences horaires", in collaboration with the DIS and SEFOR.

The selection criteria are as follows: the interest of the project for the establishment, its coherence with the existing training offer within the departments or streams, the hybridization category, the timetable and support resources available at the level of the TICE-DSIRN unit ("Support for digital teaching and multimedia production cell") and the available budget.

The result of the ranking established by the NPC will be validated by the CFVE.

Project follow-up and remuneration

Teams whose projects have been selected by the NPC will receive support from the TICE-DSIRN unit for the assembly of digital resources, according to their autonomy and the
needs identified.

Projects will benefit from financial support according to the "Référentiel d'équivalences horaires" for what concerns the realization of digital resources and the follow-up
of distance students.

If the project requires external services (graphic designers, artists, etc.), financial assistance may be offered.


Deadline for submission: Thursday, November 7, 2024

Acceptance reply: Monday, November 25, 2024


For any questions, please contact


Appendix 1: Referential of hourly equivalences and new provisional referential (June 2024 version)

Appendix 2: Application form to be sent to the Direction de la Recherche, de la Valorisation et des Études doctorales (DIRVED) by Thursday
November 7, 2024 at the latest.

AAP AHFLO' 2024-2025.pdf (183.69 KB, .pdf)

Annexe 1 - Référentiel des services (version juin 2024) (169.78 KB, .pdf)

Annexe 1bis - Référentiel projet juin 2024 (172.53 KB, .pdf)

Annexe 2 - Formulaire de candidature AHFLO' 2024-2025 (64.18 KB, .docx)