Inalco strengthens its range of professional training courses for executives

This seminar, tailor-made for the Ecole Pratique des Métiers de la Diplomatie, aims to offer MEAE staff time for reflection and key insights into several issues facing sub-Saharan Africa (religious fact, organized crime and border trafficking, political role of diasporas). The principle of this seminar, and of the training courses offered as part of the collaboration with EDI, is to encourage dialogue between researchers and practitioners, and to update MEAE staff's knowledge of a region that is fundamental to our interests. It's a valuable opportunity to exchange views on questions related to the issues MEAE practitioners encounter in the course of their missions at headquarters or ahead of their departure on missions abroad.
To carry out this undertaking, the Continuing Education team called on specialists from Sciences Po Bordeaux, Université Catholique de Louvain and IMAF (Institut des mondes africains), as well as Inalco's Africa and Indian Ocean department for pedagogical coordination.
The day of May 24 focused on two main themes: the religious fact with a focus on jihadism, and diasporas. As for the May 31 day, it will focus on border issues.
The Continuing Education Department aspires to develop high-level training programs for executives from government departments, associations, NGOs and companies, who face growing needs to renew their knowledge and skills on subjects at the heart of Inalco's business. New briefings for EDI agents (Central Asia, Gulf of Guinea, Sahel, Ethiopia), and expatriation support in certain geographies are thus in the pipeline.
EDI, which becomes a diplomatic and consular academy next June, opens up the possibility of following some of these training courses to officials from the European External Action Service (EEAS), operators (AFD, IRD, etc.) or other French administrations who assign staff abroad.