Field mission to Khartoum by Marcella Rubino (December 18, 2022 - January 4, 2023)

This second field trip to Sudan was an opportunity to meet up again with colleagues who are likely to be Marcella Rubino's partners in the JCJC "Soud-adab" project she submitted to the ANR in October. These colleagues come from several public and private universities: University of Khartoum (public), University of Sudan (public), al-Ahfad University (private), Ahliya University (private), Nyala University (public, Darfur). She was able to meet with them to find out more about their areas of research, their CVs and the opportunities they have to travel to France for short periods to take part in seminars.
The visit was an opportunity for the
During her stay, she led two Arabic-French-Arabic translation workshops, and gave a lecture on Sudanese literature and its translation into French.
The first translation workshop took place in Paris.
The first translation workshop took place at the University of Khartoum, in the French department, from 9am to 2pm. It was attended by 4th and 5th year, M1 and M2 students. Around fifteen students, of varying levels but all extremely interested and passionate about the proposed activity, attended. Some of them asked for the workshop to be repeated, or even made permanent, either in person or remotely.
The second workshop took place in the afternoon.
The second workshop took place at the University of Sudan, also from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., but unlike the previous one, it was aimed at teachers. All the tenured and contract teachers in the French department (10 people, men and women) attended. The workshop was also very popular.
Finally, she held a conference in Arabic at the University of Chendi, north of Khartoum, in the land of the "Black Pharaohs". The conference was entitled "Al-adab al-sudani fi faransa bayna al-ta'lim wa-l-bahth wa-l-tarjama" (Sudanese literature in France between teaching, research and translation). It was introduced by speeches from the President of Chendi University and the Dean of the Faculty of Languages, as well as a chanted recitation of the Koran. It was followed by a debate with Professor Awadh al-Karim Bakhit and the audience in the amphitheatre, which numbered around 200 students and colleagues from all the university's humanities faculties. Unfortunately, time was too short to allow all the students to ask their many stimulating questions. She had to promise the dean a later visit, when more time would be available for discussion with the students. A translation workshop is also planned for the coming months.