Conference "The rise of Japanese studies in France: from the 1960s to the 1990s", May 31

Teachers of Japanese in France: Bernard Frank (1927-1996), Mori Arimasa (1911-1976), Jean-François Sabouret (1946-2023) and Jean-Jacques Origas (1937-2003).
Organizers : Emmanuel Lozerand (Inalco-Ifrae), Michael Lucken (Inalco-Ifrae), Karoline Postel-Vinay (Sciences Po).
Wednesday, May 31, 2023 - 09:30-17:00 - Auditorium Dumézil
Maison de la Recherche - 2 rue de Lille - 75007 Paris
With the support of IFRAE and the Conseil scientifique de l'Inalco.
Free admission subject to seating availability.
<9:30am: Opening remarks: Jean-François HUCHET, President of Inalco
<9:35am: Introduction to the symposium: Emmanuel LOZERAND, Michael LUCKEN, Karoline POSTEL-VINAY
<9:45am-10:15am: "A post-war neo-Japanism? ", by Emmanuel LOZERAND (Inalco-Ifrae)
10:15-10:45: "The internationalization of Japan and Japanology: the turn of the 1980s", by Karoline POSTEL-VINAY (Sciences Po-Ceri)
11:00-11:30: "Jean-Jacques Origas et la réforme de l'enseignement du japonais: le pédagogue qui s'ignorait", by Christian GALAN (Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-Ifrae)
11:30am-12pm: "Le rôle des enseignants japonais", by UEDA Makiko (Inalco-Ifrae)
Lunch break
14h-15h: Round-table discussion: "Studying Japanese in the 1960s and 1970s"
With Catherine GARNIER (Inalco), François MACE (Inalco), Jean-Noël ROBERT (Collège de France-EPHE-CRCAO)
Moderator: Emmanuel Lozerand
3:00-3:45 pm: "Quand les sciences sociales rencontrent le Japon", by César CASTELLVI (Université Paris Cité - CRCAO); respondent Pierre SOUYRI (Université de Genève)
4pm-5pm: Round-table: "What heritage? Japanese studies today"
With Alice BERTHON (Université Grenoble-Alpes, ILCEA4), Aline HENNINGER (Orléans- REMELICE), Laurent NESPOULOUS (Inalco-Ifrae)
Moderator: Michael Lucken