CAP Recherche network members meet at the Maison de la Recherche

CAP ANR - Conseils et APpuis aux Appels à projets Nationaux de Recherche ANR is a network of professionals created in 2010 bringing together people in charge of supporting scientists in the submission and administrative, financial and legal implementation of their research projects to national or regional public funding bodies.
At its general meeting on September 5, held at Inalco's Maison de la Recherche in conjunction with the ANR Tour, the association's members voted overwhelmingly to change its name to CAP ANR. CAP ANR opens up to other national and Regional funders and becomes CAP Recherche - Conseil et Appui aux Projets de Recherche: Réseau des professionnels d'appui aux projets de Recherche.
The Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) was also invited to the day to preview its 2023 action plan and launch the ANR Tour 2023.
As part of this 7th edition of the ANR Tour, the Agency is offering from September 6 to October 3, 2022 some twenty information and exchange webinars.
"These thematic webinars aim to support scientific communities and institution managers in reading the Agency's 2023 Action Plan, the funding instruments and calls for projects on offer, the scientific axes of the Generic Call for Projects (AAPG), the financial regulations, the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the open science policy, or the project monitoring procedures."
Coming to present the new action plan were Dominique Dunon-Bluteau, the new ANR scientific operations director, Laurence Guyard, scientific community relations manager, scientific integrity referent and gender referent, Emilie Habillon, financial service manager, and Jérôme Ferrand Ammar, contractualization service manager.
The event was attended by over a hundred employees from 75 institutions.