1873: a turning point in the history of Langues O'" exhibition

Through this exhibition put together by the Mission Histoire de l'Inalco and the Service de l'information scientifique, des archives et du patrimoine de l'Inalco, and its counterpart organized by the BULAC, you can discover how the institution became rooted in the Parisian landscape to become a grande école à la française and acquire the influence we know today.
From Tuesday November 7 to Friday December 22, 8am to 10pm
Exhibition opens on November 7 at 3pm
Closes on December 22 at 12pm
Gallery of the Pôle des langues et civilisations and reading room of BULAC (65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris)
Free admission
Exhibition offered as part of the "1873: a turning point in the history of Langues O'" celebrating the 150th anniversary of the installation of the École des langues orientales (now Inalco) at 2 rue de Lille and the creation of its library.
Curators of the exhibition in the gallery of the Pôle des langues et civilisations
- Emmanuel Lozerand (Chargé de Mission Histoire auprès de la présidence de l'Inalco et mémorialiste de la Fondation Inalco)
- Louis Pourre (Archiviste pour la valorisation du Service de l'information scientifique, des archives et du patrimoine de l'Inalco)
- Sarah Cadorel (Responsable du Service de l'information scientifique, archives et du patrimoine de l'Inalco)
Curators of the exhibition in the BULAC reading room
- Juliette Pinçon (Deputy Head of the Mediation Department, Head of the BULAC valorization team)
- Benjamin Guichard (Scientific Director of BULAC)