Internships - International relations

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Internships are compulsory for L3, M1 and M2 students in the International Relations program.

Sign my internship agreement

(For the validation of assignments section, please refer to the downloadable intern guide at the very bottom of the following page).

The internship agreement to be completed can be downloaded on the following page.

If you or your host organization are unable to print or scan the internship agreement once it has been completed and signed by one of the parties, we invite you to download the latest version of Acrobate Reader, which will enable you to electronically complete and sign the document in PDF format:

Once the agreement has been completed and signed by you and your host organization, we invite you to forward it to the training manager, together with your civil liability insurance certificate, your school attendance certificate and your repatriation insurance if your internship is abroad.

Once it has been signed by one of the program's pedagogical managers - designated by the training manager - the agreement and additional documents will be forwarded to the SIO-IP, which will then send you the final version, signed by all parties. Contact:

Choosing my internship

These compulsory internships enable students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their training and begin to integrate into the job market. They can take place in France or abroad. For abroad, a aide au voyage Inalco or Ile-de-France can enable the student to have part of the costs covered.

A methodological assistance in the search for internships and jobs, as well as report writing, is provided during the academic year.

Various organizations regularly welcome students from the International Relations stream on internships. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères ;
  • Ministère des Armées ;
  • Conseil de l'Europe ;
  • OCDE ;
  • UNESCO ;
  • UNHCR ;
  • Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie ;
  • Japanese National Tourist Board ;
  • Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme;
  • Thalès Communication;
  • EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company);
  • Comité catholique contre la faim et pour le développement;
  • Reporters Sans Frontières
  • Magazine Diplomatie; etc.

The Licence internship

Each student in the Licence International Relations course will be required to justify a professional experience of at least one month (140h), at the end of L3.
Please note: an internship does not dispense from attendance, either at courses or exams.
This experience can be inserted at the end of L2 or L3.

Whatever form this professional experience takes (internship, salaried job, volunteer work, humanitarian mission), it must imperatively have a link with the field of international relations and have been validated, in advance, by the course's director of studies. At the end of this experience, students will also be required to submit a report and evaluation form for completion by their internship supervisor or employer/hierarchical superior.

Any experience not covered by an agreement must also be covered by an employment contract or a certificate drawn up and signed by the host organization proving that the student has worked at least 140 hours as part of this professional experience.

All information relating to the International Relations Bachelor's degree internship (request for validation of the internship or work experience chosen by the student, duration, agreement/certificate/contract, minutes and other frequently asked questions)is detailed in the downloadable document below. Please take note. If you have a question that is not answered in this document, please contact the training manager for the field.

The service d'information, d'orientation et d'insertion professionnelle (SIO-IP), located on the 2nd floor, is also here to provide you with information and internship offers.
Make an appointment with the SIO-IP

The license report and the internship evaluation form must be sent to before August 31 of the current academic year.

Master's internships

To validate their Master's year, students must complete an internship of 2 months minimum in M1 and in M2. The International Relations master's calendar is arranged so that students can leave for their internship from mid-April.

The internship report and the internship evaluation form must be sent (in PDF format) to the internship referent teacher, cc the training supervisor and the pedagogical secretariat ( before mid-September (for M1 students) and before the beginning of December of the current academic year (for M2 students).

Guide stage L3 RI (139.12 KB, .pdf)

Compte rendu de stage Licence RI 2023-2024 (52.19 KB, .docx)

Fiche d'évaluation de stage Licence RI 2023-2024 (245.32 KB, .docx)

Vademecum stage Master RI_2021-2022 (703.04 KB, .pdf)

Vademecum stage Master RI - 2024-2025 (315.82 KB, .pdf)

Page de garde Master RI (298.52 KB, .docx)

Fiche d'évaluation stage Master RI (62.91 KB, .docx)