MCF Russian language and literature (N° Odyssée: 251072; Section CNU: 13)

Application period, from March 4, 2025 10am (Paris time) to April 4, 2025 4pm (Paris time). Application form to be submitted on Odyssée:
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The candidate will teach Russian literature (literary history and text analysis) in the Russian Studies department, at all undergraduate levels. In the Master LLCER program, they will teach the following seminars: “Russian-language literature: centers and margins” and “Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet space cultural institutions”.
Depending on the profile of the candidate recruited, whether Russian-speaking or French-speaking, they will be entrusted with teaching literary translation at Bachelor level: to or from russian.
They will also be asked to contribute to thematic and cross-disciplinary literature courses (Bachelor's and Master's degrees).

The candidate will also be expected to contribute to the development of teaching tools, particularly digital ones, as part of the establishment's development of hybrid or distance learning courses. Competence in ICTE and thinking about digital pedagogy is desirable.
Depending on the candidate's specialist discipline, part of their teaching duties may be devoted to cross-disciplinary teaching within their department, or institution-wide at bachelor's and master's level.
They may also be called upon to provide pedagogical and methodological support to students, and to teach in English.

The candidate is expected to take part in the pedagogical/administrative supervision of the Russian Studies 

Teaching department: Russian Studies
Location: INALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins CS21351 75214-PARIS cedex 13
Department director: Ilya Platov
Department director's e-mail:
Department URL:


The candidate will consider the convergence between their work and Inalco's intellectual and scientific identity, as embodied in the collective projects carried out by the establishment and its research units. Depending on their specialties, the recruited teacher-researcher will be able to join the research unit of their choice from among Inalco's own teams and Mixed Research Units (UMRs) (co-)supervised by Inalco, in particular :

The candidate may join the CREE, where they will be part of the laboratory's current axe 6: “ Thinking and translating literatures ”. They will be expected to participate in the reflections of the members of this axis on literary historiography and/or theories of literary translation. Within the framework of the laboratory's new research contract (2025-2029), an opening onto cultural, material or gender studies in connection with literary studies will be particularly appreciated. 
The laboratory will give preference to a candidate whose research focuses on twentieth-century Russian literature, or, in the case of a nineteenth-century scholar, who integrates the twentieth century into their research perspectives (nineteenth-century legacies in the twentieth century, interpretations and fabrication of the nineteenth century by the twentieth century, for example). 

Laboratory affiliation: CREE (EA 4513)
Location: Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Laboratory director: Etienne Boisserie, Svetlana Krylosova, Sophie Hohmann
Laboratory director's e-mail:
Laboratory URL:

The position for which you are applying may be located in a "restricted field" within the meaning of article R. 413-5-1 of the French penal code. If this is the case, your appointment and/or assignment will be subject to authorization issued by the head of the establishment, in accordance with the provisions of article 20-4 of decree no. 84-431 of June 6, 1984.

Ref.: Decree of February 6, 2023, on the general procedures for transfers, secondments, and recruitment through competitive examinations for associate professors, university professors, and junior professor chairs.



MCF Russian language and literature (307.55 KB, .pdf)