MCF Chinese language and linguistics of Chinese languages (N° Odyssée: 251014; CNU sections: 15, 07)

Application period, from March 4, 2025 10am (Paris time) to April 4, 2025 4pm (Paris time). Application form to be submitted on Odyssée:
Contenu central


Reporting to the Department of Chinese Studies, the candidate must be able to provide high-quality teaching on standard Chinese grammar at all levels of the Chinese LLCER Bachelor's degree, as well as general Chinese linguistics courses at Year 3 level. An excellent knowledge of spoken and written Chinese is a prerequisite: the recruited candidate should be prepared to take part in language courses at all levels and in the development of the department's teaching materials. They must be willing to participate actively in management and supervisory tasks both inside and outside Inalco's Department of Chinese Studies. Depending on their area of specialization, they will be required to offer a linguistics seminar at various levels of the Chinese Studies and/or Language Science programs. Specialization in Chinese dialects or other non-Sinitic languages spoken in China would be appreciated. They may also be called upon to help prepare students for the linguistic section for the entrance examinations to the teaching profession in Chinese (agrégation de chinois).
The candidate will also be expected to contribute to the development of teaching tools, particularly digital ones, as part of the establishment's hybrid or distance learning offer. Competence in ICTE and interest in digital pedagogy are desirable.
Depending on the candidate's specialist discipline, part of their teaching duties may be devoted to cross-disciplinary teaching within their department, or institution-wide at bachelor's and master's level.

They may also be called upon to provide pedagogical and methodological support to students, and to teach in English.
The candidate will be expected to play an active role in the life and operation of the department and institute, to reflect on the development of training courses, and to supervise students.

Teaching Department
Location: Inalco, 65 rue des Grands Moulins CS21351 75214-PARIS cedex 13
Department Director: Mr. Zhe JI 
Department Director's e-mail:
Department URL:


The candidate's research should focus on the linguistics of one or more Sinitic or non-Sinitic languages spoken in China. Research may concern any language family (Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian, Austroasiatic, Altaic) and any field of linguistics (phonetics/phonology, morphosyntax, etc.).
Candidates must demonstrate scientific excellence and integration into research networks through high-quality publications and participation in national and international scientific events (symposia, conferences). They must be able to collaborate with researchers and research institutions in Asia and the West.
Candidates should consider the convergence between their work and Inalco's intellectual and scientific identity, as embodied in the collective projects carried out by the institution and its research units. Depending on their specialties, the recruited teacher-researcher will be able to join the research unit of their choice from among Inalco's own teams and Mixed Research Units (UMRs) (co-)supervised by Inalco, in particular :

The Centre de recherches linguistiques sur l'Asie orientale (CRLAO)
Location: Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Laboratory director: M. Huy Linh DAO
Laboratory director's e-mail:
Laboratory URL:

Depending on the specific features of his/her field of study and research themes, the person recruited may choose to participate in the work of one or more of the following CRLAO axes:
1/ Language diversity and diversification 
2/ Syntax and semantics of contemporary East Asian languages: formal and experimental approaches
3/ Chinese language and writing: emergence, evolution and diffusion

Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale (LACITO
Location: Campus CNRS - 7, rue Guy Môquet (bât. D), 94800 Villejuif
Laboratory director: Mme Cécile LEGUY
Laboratory director's e-mail address: 
Laboratory URL:

The UMR LACITO comprises three non-exclusive research axes, with the same person able to register his/her work in one or other axis depending on projects. These are 1. description and corpora, 2. typology and historical linguistics, and 3. Linguistic anthropology. What unites the laboratory is its emphasis on collecting first-hand data on little-described languages, and on developing digital resources that facilitate the exploration of linguistic and cultural diversity. The laboratory gives priority to supporting missions devoted to field research.
A teacher-researcher attached to LACITO is expected to participate in laboratory activities and to be a driving force behind collective projects.

Institut Français de Recherche sur l'Asie de l'Est (IFRAE)
Location: Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Laboratory director: Bernard Thomann
Laboratory director's e-mail:
Laboratory URL:

The Institut français de recherches sur l'Asie de l'est (IFRAE, UMR8043) wishes to strengthen the linguistic axis of its Axis 1 entitled "Languages, sources and their issues". Indeed, a specialist in Chinese language and linguistics could be integrated into one of the projects of theme 2 "Concepts and words: Constitution and exploitation of language corpora". The candidate is particularly expected to strengthen research on Chinese in this field.

The position for which you are applying may be located in a "restricted field" within the meaning of article R. 413-5-1 of the French penal code. If this is the case, your appointment and/or assignment will be subject to authorization issued by the head of the establishment, in accordance with the provisions of article 20-4 of decree no. 84-431 of June 6, 1984.

Ref.: Decree of February 6, 2023, on the general procedures for transfers, secondments, and recruitment through competitive examinations for associate professors, university professors, and junior professor chairs.


MCF Chinese language and linguistics of Chinese languages (194.36 KB, .pdf)