MCF Amharic language and didactics (N° Odyssée: 251074; sections CNU: 7, 15)

Application period, from March 4, 2025 10am to April 4, 2025 4pm. Application form on Odyssée:
Contenu central


The candidate will have a perfect command of Amharic, which they will teach at all undergraduate and graduate levels (written expression and oral practice). University teaching experience and competence in didactics are expected and required. The candidate will also have a good knowledge of translation (pedagogical and specialized) from and into Amharic.
Teaching will be based on various original Amharic texts, both written and audiovisual, which will enable students to better grasp the specificities of the culture conveyed by this language and enrich their knowledge of Ethiopian society.

The candidate will contribute to the development of innovative teaching tools. Proficiency in ICTE will be appreciated. Knowledge of another regional language will be an asset. 
The candidate will also be expected to contribute to the development of teaching tools, including digital tools, as part of the institution's efforts to expand its range of hybrid and distance learning courses. Competence in Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching and an interest in digital pedagogy are desirable.
Depending on their specialist discipline, they may also be required to spend part of their time teaching cross-disciplinary courses within their department, or across the institution at bachelor's and master's levels.
They may also be called upon to provide pedagogical and methodological support to students, and to teach in English.

Teaching department: 
Place of employment: INALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins CS21351 75214-PARIS cedex 13
Department director: Afrique Océan IndienDepartment director's e-mail: 
Department URL:


The candidate will consider the convergence between his/her work and Inalco's intellectual and scientific identity, as embodied in the collective projects carried out by the establishment and its research units. Depending on his or her specialties, the recruited teacher-researcher will be able to join the research unit of his or her choice from among Inalco's own teams and UMRs under the (co)supervision of Inalco, in particular:

Laboratory of attachment: PLIDAM

The recruited associate professor will be able to join the host team EA 4514 PLIDAM currently organized around 6 axes, which from various angles focus on research in foreign languages and civilizations: Axis 1) Linguistic policies, plurilingualism and representations; Axis 2) Language competence: construction and evaluation; Axis 3) Lexics and translation: what didactics? ; Axis 4) Literature and culture in language didactics ; Axis 5) Designing pedagogical tools from a plurilingual perspective and Axis 6) SemioMed - Semiotics, multimedia corpora and uses.
The PLIDAM laboratory is building cooperative projects with numerous French and foreign research teams (including Ethiopian universities), particularly in the pedagogy of foreign languages, literatures and cultures.
The recruited MCF will be invited to get involved in the laboratory's collective work.

Location: Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Laboratory director: Thomas SZENDE
Email from laboratory director: 
URL of laboratory:

Laboratory of affiliation: CERLOM

The work of the recruited candidate will focus on Ethiopian literature and/or culture and will require the treatment of sources in the Amharic language. They may be part of one or more of the research themes of the current five-year contract:
1/ Editing, translating, teaching world literatures and oralities
2/ Comparative history of poetics
3/ Migrant words, migrant writings
4/ Audiovisual creation and world societies
Location: Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Laboratory director: S. Sawas
Courriel de recherche : Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris. Sawas
Laboratory director's e-mail: 
Laboratory URL:

Laboratoire de rattachement : LLACAN

Applicants will ideally have a well-developed research project in linguistics, either on grammatical analysis or documentation of variants of the Amharic language, or in a comparative and possibly multi-disciplinary perspective on Afro-Asiatic languages spoken in the Horn of Africa.
Applicants should have proven research experience through publications, presentations at conferences, and possibly externally-funded project applications.
The Langage, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique (LLACAN, UMR 8135) laboratory is a joint research unit of the CNRS and the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales. The unit is organized into three themes with numerous interactions: 1) Grammatical analysis and typology, 2) Comparatism, typology and reconstruction, and 3) Literatures in African languages, literary theory and language practices.

Location: Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Laboratory director: Mark VAN DE VELDE
Laboratory director's e-mail:
Laboratory URL:

Laboratory of affiliation: SeDyL

The candidate, with an excellent command of language and working as closely as possible with specific data from varied corpora, could fit into one of Sedyl's axes, in particular: Contact linguistics, social issues of plurilingualism (migration, education, language teaching), heterogeneous language practices (sub-national and migratory contexts), national and family language policies. Axis 2 of the laboratory, whose expertise in these themes is widely recognized, would be particularly interested in recruiting an EC to reinforce this research and participate as a statutory member in the unit's international projects.

Location: CNRS, Campus de Villejuif, 7 rue Guy Môquet, 94800 Villejuif
Name of laboratory director: Stefano Manfredi
Telephone number of laboratory director: 01 49 58 37 22
Email address of laboratory director:
URL of laboratory director:

The position for which you are applying may be located in a "restricted field" within the meaning of article R. 413-5-1 of the French penal code. If this is the case, your appointment and/or assignment will be subject to authorization issued by the head of the establishment, in accordance with the provisions of article 20-4 of decree no. 84-431 of June 6, 1984.

Ref.: Decree of February 6, 2023, on the general procedures for transfers, secondments, and recruitment through competitive examinations for associate professors, university professors, and junior professor chairs.





MCF Amharic language and didactics (272.9 KB, .pdf)