Master TI - Literary translation
The TL course (literary translation) is a two-year course (120 ECTS), taught by Inalco's teaching-research staff, most of whom are literary translators, and by professionals in the translation field.
Curriculum presentation
A balance is sought between theoretical and methodological seminars, on the one hand, which aim to get students thinking about the very subject matter of the translation activity: the poetics of the text (the text, its rhythm, its organization, its inclusion in a culture and society); and, on the other hand, more practical workshops and seminars provided largely by professionals in the profession (publishers, translators, copy preparers, copyright lawyer).
This balance is reflected in the validation of the M2: either by a research thesis, or by an internship in a publishing house, accompanied by a commented translation.
Brochure Master TL 2024-2025 (925.17 KB, .pdf)
The course is open to candidates holding a bachelor's degree or equivalent diploma and with an excellent command of French (TCF level C1), as well as an oriental language taught at Inalco.
Specific access for students wishing to choose Japanese, for whom Japanese is not their mother tongue: they are required to enroll in the LLCER Japanese Studies master's program in M1 and to join the TL master's program in M2.
Prerequisites: a previous background including literary studies, a genuine investment in literary studies.
This course aims to train professionals in the written word and is therefore aimed at candidates with undeniable writing skills as well as an excellent general culture.
Mandatory module around plagiarism
A training and awareness-raising module on the issue of plagiarism is organized each year by BULAC. This 2-hour course is compulsory for all first-year Master's students. For information, the dates of all student training sessions are noted on the BULAC website.
For information about the master of literary translation, please contact:
Lucie Taillard
Secrétaire pédagogique des filières professionnalisantes /
Wordfast pro
Our curriculum includes a practice of Wordfasttranslation tools, courtesy of Wordfast LLC and Yves Champollion.