DU Hospitality, Mediations, Migrations (H2M)
Registrations for the Inalco DU H2M "Hospitality, Mediations, Migrations" university diploma will be open from May 16 to June 21, 2024. The DU H2M is designed to professionalize mediators specialized in contemporary migration.
Today, the function of mediator-interpreter in a migratory context exists in the field: it is most often performed by volunteer exiles who respond to a linguistic and cultural need of those involved in welcoming people.
Since it requires significant skills, know-how and specific interpersonal skills, the DU H2M aims to train professional mediators and gain official recognition for this profession as one of the essential keys to welcoming people.
The DU H2M aims to:
- enhance students' linguistic and cultural skills and their experience of migration spaces.
- enable students to master the issues involved in welcoming exiled people in France by offering them both theoretical and practical training. In addition to a historical, legal and administrative context that provides an understanding of reception arrangements, particularly in France, this inclusive and collaborative training program (analysis of professional practices, workshops, internships) offers a reflection on the issues and practices of mediation and interpreting in a migratory context.
- encourage the development of the profession of mediator within associations or institutions specializing in the reception of people in migration.
+ In brief
Target audience: mediators and NGO facilitators welcoming people in migration situations, local authority social workers, social workers, refugees, asylum seekers and exiles whatever their administrative status. Motivation for mediation is essential.
Training dates: from September 27, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Duration: 160 h + 70h minimum internship (the DU is compatible with a job as courses will take place in the evenings from 6pm to 8pm)
- individual registration: student rates if initial training (tarifs licence)
- rate for employees continuing education
- company and association registration: 1000 euros
- Pôle Emploi training plan: 700 euros
Exemption from registration fees possible for refugees, asylum seekers and exiles, on application. See with the secretariat.
*For more info on possible financing, please click here.
The campaign will be open from May 16 to June 21, 2024.
For those without regular internet access, please contact: duh2m.inalco@gmail.com.
Registration requirements
- Mastery of a language of migration that is one of the languages taught at Inalco
- motivation for the profession of interpreter-mediator in a migratory context
- at least a B2 level in oral/written French
- at least a Bac level or a Bachelor's degree
Please note: a commission will meet to consider applications from candidates who do not hold a bachelor's degree, as there will be the possibility of claiming foreign diplomas.
From June 27 to July 17, 2024: feedback on files
From September 6 to 20, 2024: admission interviews
Coordinating team:
- Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky, DUH2M director, Inalco
- Alexandra Galitzine-Loumpet, co-coordinator, CESSMA, Inalco, ICM
- Amir Moghani, Inalco
- Abdul-Hakim HAMIDI, DUH2M pedagogical coordinator, Inalco: duh2m.inalco@gmail.com
PLAQUETTE DU H2M 24-25 (543.69 KB, .pdf)