What "teaching grammars" for language teaching?

Colloquium organized in partnership with the Didactique des Langues department (Inalco) and the Grammaires et Contextualisation network (GreC, Méthodal Open Lab, University of Cyprus).
Collages papiers gris et oranges
Collages papiers et ponts © Céline Peigné‎

On October 9 and 10, 2024, the Didactics of Languages department (Inalco) and the Grammars and Contextualization network, (GreC, Méthodal Open Lab, University of Cyprus) are focusing on issues of particular, but not exclusive, concern to Inalco, where over a hundred languages are taught. This broadens the scope of research and reflection on the contextualization of GreC grammars, hitherto restricted to the teaching of French as a foreign language.

In fact, whether a foreign language is taught to francophones or French is taught to allophones (FLE), these questions of language didactics (DDL) relating to the role and forms of grammatical activities are of the same order. DDL has gradually abandoned its exclusive or privileged reference to language sciences. But this relationship between language teaching and description(s) still remains to be problematized.

This colloquium revisits the linguistic resources called upon for foreign language teaching and, in particular, the nature of the know-how and "non-scholarly" knowledge involved (didactic transposition, contextualization of transcriptions, contrastive Expertise of teachers and bi/plurilingual conceptualizations).