What is citizen science?

First session of the seminar "Opening research in areal studies: actors, data and mediation".
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How can we bring science and society closer together? The first session of our seminar series proposes to explore the concept of citizen science, a movement that questions the traditional boundaries between researchers and the general public.

We will address three fundamental questions:

  • Citizen science: why? What are the benefits and objectives of involving citizens more broadly in the production of knowledge?
  • For whom? Who are the players in these initiatives? What is the role of researchers, students, citizens, associations and public authorities?
  • How? What mechanisms and methods can open up research and involve non-specialists in the scientific process?


  • Cécile Poletti, Director of the Association Les Petits Débrouillards Île-de-France, which develops participatory scientific mediation actions for all publics
  • Charline Jacquemin, Science and Society Project Manager of the Association Les Petits Débrouillards Île-de-France
  • Olivier Kahn, Director of La Diagonale, culture, arts, sciences, society department of Université Paris-Saclay