Taiwanese "Pòo-tē-hì": the art of transmission between puppet and human

The exhibition devoted to "Taiwanese Pòo-tē-hì" (girdle puppet theater) is the result of the first collaboration between Inalco's Chair of Taiwanese Studies and the Taipei Puppet Art Center, with the support of the International Center for Taiwanese Studies at the Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and the Théâtre aux Mains Nues.
Le "Pòo-tē-hì" taïwanais
La société taïwanaise contemporaine et son système de savoir-faire du Pòo-tē-hì (théâtre de marionnettes à gaine) : évolution, innovation, taïwanisation © Le Centre d'art de la marionnette de Taipei‎

This performing art illustrates in a significant way the history, society and culture of contemporary Taiwan, while highlighting its unique systems of know-how.

This exhibition is structured around a reflection on the issue of transmission, organized in two complementary times and spaces.

In the first stage, it aims to trace the essential characteristics of Pòo-tē-hì, its historical evolution and its anchorage in contemporaneity. In a second stage, the focus is on how the techniques and skills specific to this art become a vehicle for intercultural mediation, linking two countries and two cultures, between Taiwan and France.

Project leaders: Yi-wei TSAI, Chan-yueh LIU

Exhibition organizers: Hsiu-tsen LIU, Yu-chieh LIN

Artists: Shis-yi TSENG, Chia-wei CHEN

Exhibition curator: Chan-yueh LIU

Mediation officer: Lætitia Henry, Clara Drouide


  • Opening: March 5, 2025: 6pm-7pm
  • Guided tours by appointment

    • Tuesdays: 11/03 and 18/03, 1pm-2pm and 5:30pm-6:30pm
    • Thursdays: 06/03, 13/03 and 20/03, 1pm-2pm and 5:30pm-6:30pm

    Contact: Chan-yueh LIU - chan-yueh.liu@inalco.fr

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le Centre international des études taïwanaises de NTNU
Logo Ministère de la culture de Taïwan
Logo Théâtre des Mains Nues