Slavic languages: comparative and contrastive studies

The Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) and the Centre de Linguistique en Sorbonne-CELISO (Sorbonne Université) are pleased to invite you to the Study Day entitled: "Slavic languages: comparative and contrastive studies".
Dessin d'une chouette au milieu de fleurs
Image d’Ivan Bilibine, modifiée d’après une illustration de Contes russes © Éditions Messidor/La Farandole‎


  • Olivier AZAM(ENS Paris),
  • Snejana GADJEVA (CREE, Inalco),
  • Bettina KEIBACH (University of Heidelberg, Germany),
  • Jean KUDELA (CREE, Inalco),
  • Anna SEMENOVA (Sorbonne University),
  • Aleksandar STEFANOVITCH (Sorbonne University),
  • Dejan STOSIC (University of Toulouse),
  • Vittorio TOMELLERI(University of Turin, Italy).

Scientific event presentation

The aim of this annual study day is to bring together both established Slavists from around the world and young French researchers working on different Slavic languages. We therefore aim for a certain diversity both in terms of the researchers themselves and the languages at the center of this day. Researchers will be presenting their advances in various fields, sharing their discoveries and exchanging views on problems of Slavic linguistics. This year, presentations will focus on comparative studies of Slavic languages and contrastive studies between Slavic languages on the one hand and French and other non-Slavic languages on the other.

This is an annual study day, aimed at supporting the dynamics of Slavic studies in its various achievements. It is therefore characterized by a broad spectrum of several points of view.

The interest of this study day is to bring together researchers from a wide range of backgrounds, both in terms of geographical origin and in terms of their lines of research. We hope that this diversity will lead to a fruitful exchange of points of view, both in terms of advances that are properly scientific and in terms of possible methodological differences in slavistic research.

This year, we have decided to focus on comparative and contrastive studies of Slavic languages. It's important to us that a wide variety of Slavic languages are represented. Presentations will focus on Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Czech and Polish, and on the comparison of different elements in these languages. In addition, a few talks will be devoted to contrastive studies between Slavic and non-Slavic languages.

Scientific event program

9:00 - 9:30: Welcome of participants

9:30 - 9:50: Welcome from the organizers

9:50 - 10:20:Jean KUDELA (CREE, Inalco), "Hybridization, a permanent engine of language evolution"

10:20 - 10:30 am: Discussion


10:30 - 11:00: Snejana GADJEVA (CREE, Inalco), Title to come

11:00 - 11:10: Discussion


11:10 - 11:30: Coffee break


11:30am - 12:00pm: Aleksandar STEFANOVITCH (CELISO, Sorbonne University), "Military translation from French into Serbian: between pitfalls and (quasi-)solutions".

12:00 - 12:10: Discussion


12:10 - 12:40: Dejan STOSIC (University of Toulouse), "A la recherche des correspondants français du futuroïde serbe : une étude sur corpus".

12:40 - 12:50: Discussion


13:00 - 14:30: Lunch


14:30 - 15:00: Vittorio TOMELLERI (University of Milan, Italy), " Русский термин " кризис " между источником, посредниками и семантикой ". [The Russian term krizis: source, transfer routes, semantics]

3:00 pm - 3:10 pm: Discussion


3:10 pm - 3:40 pm: Olivier AZAM (ENS, Paris), "The reconstruction of the tonic accent in Ermolaj-Erazm's Life of Peter and Fevronie (XVIth century)".

3:40 - 3:50 pm: Discussion


3:50 - 4:10 pm: Coffee break


4:10 - 4:40 pm: Anna SEMENOVA (CELISO, Sorbonne Université), "An exercise in versioning by Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation".


4:40pm - 4:50pm: Discussion


4:50pm - 5:20pm: Bettina KEIBACH (University of Heidelberg, Germany), " Пленники языка? Необходимость перевода во время войны: Стихотворение Веры Павловой "Язык - это раненый немец"" [The prisoners of language? The need to translate during the war: Vera Pavlova's poem "Language is a wounded German"].

5:20 pm - 5:30 pm: Discussion


5:30 pm: Closing of the day


  • Natalia BERNITSKAÏA (CREE, Inalco)
  • Angelina BIKTCHOURINA (CREE, Inalco)
  • Aleksandar STEFANOVITCH (CELISO, Sorbonne Université)