Seal engraving workshop. Wielding the iron brush to create a world in a square inch. 運鐵筆,遊丘溝。

Workshop organized by the Events and Cultural Action Department.
Ustensiles de gravure de sceaux : papier, encre
Atelier de gravure de sceaux © Qianyin daoju‎

A practitioner of seal art for 36 years, Laurent Long is the first Western member of the Xiling Academy of Seal Art, founded in 1904. He will introduce Inalco students to the world of Chinese seals.

He will give a lecture on seals on October 11 on what they are, what they represent in China and their cultural environment, as well as an aspect of their composition and aesthetics. It will be followed on October 18 by an engraving workshop to approach art seal techniques and practice the artist's gestures, stone and burin in hand.

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