Screening of the documentary "L'audience, dans les coulisses de la justice d'asile", by Yaël Goujon

L'audience, behind the scenes of asylum justice, Yaël Goujon, 52 minutes, 2024
The Cour Nationale du Droit d'Asile (CNDA) is France's biggest court in terms of the number of cases handled (nearly 70,000 per year). Yet it is also the least known to the general public. This film is a first, since never before has the Ministry of Justice authorized a camera to film CNDA hearings.
In this small theater of the human condition, everything is played out in a matter of minutes. This is the applicants' last chance, since those present have already been rejected by OFPRA (L'office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides). Their state of tension and stress is at its peak. Opposite them, judges who are simply doing their job.
With this documentary, Yaël Goujon deciphers the decisions of this asylum justice deemed too lax for some, too harsh for others. It gives us a better understanding of France's migration policy - an electoral theme that becomes more prevalent every year - but also humanizes these asylum seekers who are too often viewed solely from a statistical angle.
The screening will be followed by a discussion in the presence of Yael Goujon (director), Shoaib Said (Court interpreter and Professor of Pachto at Inalco), Pauline Hot (Judge-President at the CNDA), Camilia Mourragui (Rapporteur at the CNDA) moderated by Coralie Klipfel (Judge-Assessor at the Court and Lecturer in Public Law at Inalco).