Presentation of the book: "TURQUIE-AZERBAÏDJAN 1990-2023. The dance of the gray wolves" by Aurélie Stern

- Aurélie Stern, PhD in Political Science (EHESS-CETOBac), ATER at the University of Brittany (Brest)
Speaker: Zeynep Bursa, Maitresse de conférence en Histoire à l'Université Lyon 2 (Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes)
Scientific event summary
After the dissolution of the USSR, five Turkish-speaking Soviet republics, including Azerbaijan, gained independence. Here was an opportunity for Turkey to forge ties with them - both an economic and ideological opportunity in the eyes of Turkey's political elites, as their inclusion would make the Turkish world a major player on the international stage. This is how the nationalists of Turkey, the "gray wolves" - an animal symbolizing the myth of the common origins of the peoples concerned - brought their vast network into play and succeeded, after fifteen years of effort, in arousing the interest of the new Turkic states, led by Azerbaijan... A rapprochement that has borne much fruit, including the publication of a joint school textbook and, in the military sphere, the recent logistical assistance provided by Turkey to its Caucasian ally in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict pitting it against Armenia.
Based on a combination of document and archive analysis, an opinion survey and solid field research and interviews with Turkish nationalists, this study sheds fascinating light on a facet of Turkish policy little addressed in France: that of the development of the zone of Panturkic influence advocated by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, among others.
Observatoire Asie Centrale Mer Noire
Recent paradigm shifts have heightened awareness of the need to rethink the spaces that CREE covers. Three new observatories have emerged from this realization: the Observatoire de l'Europe médiane et orientale contemporaine, the Observatoire de la Russie contemporaine and the Observatoire Asie centrale - Mer noire).
The Observatoire Asie centrale - Mer noire, of which this breakfast will be the first event, is directed by Sophie Hohmann, Catherine Poujol and Alexandre Toumarkine.
It enables us to work on the research and analysis of issues that cut across the societies concerned, drawing on different knowledge productions. Its cross-disciplinary delimitation enables geographies and research themes to intersect on political, social, economic and geopolitical issues, with an emphasis on critical reflection.
Generally speaking, the observatories pursue their monitoring and analysis work in the form of "Petits déjeuners" devoted to the political, economic and geopolitical news of the states they cover. Organized at a regular rate of around once every two months, these breakfasts reach a wide audience: academics, experts and business circles.
- Sophie Hohmann (CREE, Inalco)
- Adrien Nonjon (CREE, Inalco)