Montaigne in Asia
9h-9h15: welcome coffee
9h15-9h30: Jean-Nöel Robert, Professor Emeritus, Collège de France, Inalco graduate - welcome
9h30-9h45: Dominique Brancher, professor Yale University, Philippe Desan, professor emeritus, University of Chicago, SIAAM President - SIAAM day presentation
9:45-10am: Antoine Compagnon, Académie Française, Professor Emeritus, Collège de France - opening
10am-11am: Emmanuel Lozerand, Inalco/Ifrae - Sekine Hideo en son temps. Translating Montaigne in 1920s Japan
11am-12pm: Frédéric Wang, Inalco/Ifrae - How and why to translate Montaigne into Chinese: the example of the chapter "De l'amitié"
12pm-2pm: lunch
2pm-3pm: Anna Ogino, writer and professor emeritus, Keiô University - Michel and Panurge: a pantagruelic reading of Montaigne
3pm-3:30pm: Presentation of the volume of the Bulletin de la Société Internationale des amis de Montaigne: Une œuvre sans frontières. Montaigne in Asia
in tribute to Madame Ishigami-Iagolnitzer
Daniel Iagolnitzer - words of tribute
3:30pm-4pm: cocktail
4pm-5pm: SIAAM General Meeting