Literary diaglossia in modern and contemporary East Asia
Preparatory workshop for the "Literary Diaglossia in Modern and Contemporary East Asia" program, focusing on linguistic and literary styles and genres on the one hand, and the relationships between foreign languages and translation, vernacular, national and classical languages, on the other, this in the context of modernity in East Asia.
13:00-13:05: Introduction: Emmanuel Lozerand and Victor Vuilleumier (INALCO / IFRAE)
13:05-13:50: "Rewritings and linguistic registers in premodern China: what conceptual approach? ", Rainier Lanselle (EPHE / CRCAO)
13h50-14h35: " Pour une autre histoire de la littérature japonaise moderne ", Emmanuel Lozerand
14h35-15h20: "The nôm", Emmanuel Poisson (UPC / IFRAE)
15:30-16:15: "Debates on the language of novels in 1880s Japan", Nicolas Mollard (Lyon 3 / IETT)
16h15-17h00: " Le hentai kanbun ", Arthur Defrance (INALCO / IFRAE)
17h00-17h45 : " Variations de style chez Lu Xun ", Victor Vuilleumier
17h45-18h00 : Table-ronde