Interdisciplinary approaches to phraseological units (PUs) in world languages

Entitled "Interdisciplinary approaches to phraseological units in the languages of the world: Linguistics - NLP & AI - Translation - Literature", this symposium is jointly organized by CRLAO UMR 8563 (CNRS-EHESS-Inalco), ELLIADD UR 4661 (Université Marie & Louis Pasteur), and LLL UMR 7270 (CNRS-Université d'Orléans).
Paris © DR‎

Following on from the Phraseology in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics symposium held at the 20th AILA World Congress in Lyon in July 2023, we'd like to follow in the footsteps of the pioneers of research in this area (Phraseology: an interdisciplinary perspective, F. Meunier 2008) by proposing a symposium focusing on the interdisciplinary approach to phraseology.

Organizers contact:

Colloque Unités phraséologiques - logo
CRLAO - logo
Université Marie & Louis Pasteur - logo
ELLIADD - logo
Université d'Orléans - logo
Laboratoire ligérien de linguistique (LLL) - logo