Guided tour of the "Au fil de l'or - L'art de se vêtir de l'Orient au Soleil-Levant" exhibition

The Service de l'événementiel et de l'action culturelle (SEAC) offers Inalco students a guided tour of the musée du quai Branly- Jacques Chirac.
Caftan d'apparat marocain
Caftan d’apparat. Rabat, Maroc. Fin du 19e siècle - début du 20e siècle. Filés métalliques, broché de soie, galons dorés © Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, photo Claude Germain‎

The world's most precious and noble metal, an object of covetousness, a symbol of wealth and splendor, a sign of elegance and refinement... Discovered nearly 7,000 years ago, gold has never ceased to fascinate mankind. From the Maghreb to Japan, this exhibition is a fabulous journey through time and space, discovering the mysterious and fascinating origins of gold and its marriage with the textile arts.

Offer reserved for students enrolled in initial training.

Logo Crous Paris - République française - financé par la CVEC