Dialogues France-Japan: Better Living in the City and Business Opportunities

This event is organized as part of MVV 2024, an initiative of CCE-Japan, in co-organization with the University of Tokyo and with the support of the French Embassy in Japan. The first part takes place in duplex with Japan. The second part, co-organized by CCE France, CCE Japan and Inalco, will take place face-to-face, with the aim of initiating an exchange with the audience.
Visuel MVV2024
MVV 2024 © CCE Japon - Inalco‎


Better Living in Cities : dialogue France/Japan about living together in an urban environment

10am - 11:30am
Auditorium (in French) and amphitheatre 2 (in Japanese)

Retransmission of session 3 "SMART & SEXY dans toute sa Diversité" from the event "Better living in the city" organized by the CCE France-Japan network.

Our languages, our environments, our cultures build our particularities and our complementarities. Globalism must become a factor of peace and progress, because Better Living in Cities is also Better Living Together.

Inaugurated by His Excellency Philippe SETTON, French Ambassador to Japan and Mr. Takumi MORIYAMA, Vice President of the University of Tokyo, MVV 2024 presents 28 initiatives for cities of the future with a rich and dense agenda around the themes of migration and sustainability.

Interventions by Julia CORNALBA (Inalco),Takashi OSHIMA (Asahi Shimbun), Léo VALLS (professional skateboarder), Lucas LOPES (Bordeaux City Council), Makoto YOKOHARI (University of Tokyo), Jacques MAIRE (Pavillon France Osaka 2025), Pierre RABADAN (Deputy Mayor of Paris), Alain SOULAS, Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur, United Arab Emirates committee.

Working abroad: professions, opportunities and challenges

11:30am - 1pm
Auditorium (in French)

On-site exchanges with the CCE-France network.

The face-to-face session will focus on international trade, professions and the place of language in the development of Japanese companies in France or French companies in Japan. It will be supported by testimonials from business leaders and will give rise to exchanges with Inalco students and the public.

  1. Introduction - Sophie Sidos-Vicat, President of the Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur de la France
  2. Presentation of the CCE network - Patrick Baruel - President of the Commission France Conseillers du Commerce extérieur de la France
  3. The international professions - Philippe Dumel, Senior adviser at BNP Paribas
  4. Setting up in Japan: opportunities and challenges - Célia Belline, CEO of CILcare
  5. Attractiveness of France for Japanese companies: Strategies for Success and Adaptation to the Local Market - Marc Roussel, Managing Director of DAITO KASEI
  6. Conclusion - Raphaël Keller, Minister Counsellor, Head of the Japan - South Korea Regional Economic Service
  7. Q&A with the audience