Biographies, Encomia and Portraits: Literary, Ritual and Urban Spaces (伝・賛と肖像、文学空間・祭祀空間・都市空間 )

Symposium organized by Minato no kai 水門の会シンポジウム and Ifrae.
Japanese transcription
Annotated manuscript of the biography of the monk Enchin (814-891), from the Kamakura period © Tokyo National Museum‎

The Minato-no-kai Japanese classical literature research association is organizing its annual hybrid-format colloquium in partnership with INALCO. This year's edition focuses on the genre of biography (den 伝) and related genres (eulogy, portraiture) in Japanese and Chinese classical literature.

The symposium will take place over two days (February 25 and 26) in a hybrid format, with the majority of speakers based in Japan and the P.R.C.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

"Going back to the sources of Kûkai: Poems composed on paintings and the genres of biography, eulogy and portraiture" 空海をさかのぼる-題画詩と大安寺文化圏の伝・賛と肖像- / Pr. Kuranaka Shinobu 藏中しのぶ (Univ. Daitô-Bunka-daigaku大東文化大学, Tôkyô)

"Cremation literature in ancient Japan: Where the souls of the dead go" 日本古代における火葬と文学ー霊魂の行方ー (online) / Pr. Kondô Nobuyoshi 近藤信義 (Univ. Risshô-Daigaku立正大学, Tôkyô)

"How are transmitted narratives preserved? The example of the Hizen Province Report (Hizen no kuni no fudoki)" 伝承は如何に保証されるかー『肥前国風土記』を例にー / Pr. Hasegawa Toyoki 長谷川豊輝 (Univ. Nishô-gakusha, Tôkyô)

"The holy man Tanbi of the Qinglong-si temple and the world of Buddhist literature as a gathering place for Tang poets: Qinglong-si as the site of a narrative linking Kûkai and Wang Changling's Rules of Poetry (Shige)" 青龍寺における曇璧上人と盛唐詩人らが集う仏教文学の世界 -空海と王昌齢『詩格』とを結ぶ故事としての青龍寺 (online) / Pr. Etô Takashi 江藤高志 (Univ. Kyôto Seizan Tanki-daigaku 京都西山短期大学)

"Les dieux métamorphosés par l'image - au croisement de la littérature et de la peinture" 描かれ変容する神-文学と絵画の交錯- (en ligne) / Pr. Inoue Sayaka 井上さやか (Man'yô-shû Museum of Culture 奈良県立万葉文化館)

"Portraits and physiognomy" 肖像・観相 (online) / Pr. Aida Mitsuru 相田満 (researcher at the Center for Oriental Studies, Univ. Daitô-bunka- daigaku 大東文化大学東洋研究所)

"Dazai Shuntai's critique of the tea ceremony" 太宰春台の茶の湯批判 / Mrs Giada Ricci (Unesco)

"On the books cited by Ogasawara Nagamoto's "Rhapsody of the Southern Capital"" 小笠原長基『南都賦』の引書について (online) / Pr. Feng Mang 馮芒 (Univ. Ludong 魯東大学, Yantai, R.P.C.)

"Fishing in the literary genre of wandering (yûran) " 遊覧文学における釣り(online) / Pr. Suzuki Michiyo 鈴木道代 (Univ. Sôka-Daigaku 創価大学, Tôkyô)

"A reflection on the sources of Kimura's commentary Man'yô-shû-mifukushi Masakoto村正辞『万葉集美夫君志』の出典論的考察 (online) / Pr. Ôtani Wataru 大谷歩 (Univ. Tenri-daigaku 天理大学, Tôkyô)

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

"The words ku-tu-pi-ki and ta-tari in the Bizen Province Report - a comparison with the Yôshi-kango-shô dictionary / Pr. Antonio Manieri (University of Naples, l'Orientale)

"The poetry of yarimizu and ponds - a literary current that speaks of the head of the house "遣水と池の詠歌-家の主を象徴する流れ- (online) / Pr. Kuwahara Motoka 桑原一歌 (Univ. Dôshi-sha-daigaku 同志社大学, Kyôto)

"On Famous Sites from the Compendium of Poems on Famous Sites Compiled by Imperial Order (Chokusen-meisho-waka-yôshô-meisho)"『勅撰名所和歌要抄名所』について (online) / Pr. Sasaki Raita佐々木雷太 (Univ. Qiannan-minzu-shifan-xueyuan 黔南民族師範学院, Qiannan, R.P.C.)

"The relationships of writer Saikaku and readers seen through the prism of Genroku-era economics and the value of books by. Saikaku" 作家西鶴と読者の関係-元禄期経済と西鶴本の価格より(online) / Morita Masaya 森田雅也 (Univ. Kansai-gakuin-daigaku 関西学院大学, Nishinomiya)

"Miyazawa Kenji, student at Morioka Middle School, principal Maibara Hiroshi and teacher Aoyanagi Makoto" 盛岡中学生宮沢賢治、教頭米原弘、教諭青柳亮 (online) / Pr. Ura Kazuo 浦和男 (Univ. Kansai-daigaku 関西大学, Ôsaka)

"Life of an infamous man: is the Shômon-ki a biography of Taira no Masakado?" 悪人の生涯:『将門記』は平将門の「傳」と言えるか / M. Arthur Defrance (INALCO フランス国立東洋言語文化学院 , Paris)

Commentary by Pr. Suzuki Sadami 鈴木貞美 (International Research Center for Japanese Culture 国際日本文化研究センター) (online)

Comment by Pr. Maria Chiara Migliore (University of Salento, Lecce)

Closing remarks by Pr. Thunman-Takei Noriko (トウンマン武井典子 (Univ. of Göteborg).

Organizer : Arthur DEFRANCE