Cultural offers theaters

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Série d'illustration "Entrechats"
Série d'illustration "Entrechats" © Mélie Jouassin‎

Mandapa Center

The centre Mandapa offers students the opportunity to benefit from the child rate on all 2023/2024 Passport to East Asia programming, on presentation of the student card.

Deux hommes de dos accrochés par un harnais
Une Ombre vorace, Mariano Pensotti, photo de répétition © Sebastián Arpesella‎

Théâtre Monfort

The théâtre Monfort is offering students a preferential offer of €8 on the following selection of plays, via a promotional code communicated in the Culture et loisirs newsletter and presentation of the student card at the door.

Dicklove, October 2-10, 2024
Dicklove is Beyoncé and Johnny reunited in an intimate, grandiloquent show! An acrobatic, choreographed show unfolds on a mini stage with a shiny pole dance bar at its center, an exhilarating performance about questions of identity.

Pister les créatures fabuleuses, December 10-19, 2024
Pister is to pick up the trail of an animal and follow its footprints across the landscape to unlock its secrets. Baptiste Morizot, a thinker about living things, regularly indulges in this practice, which he recounts in stories that bear witness to his wonder at nature. It's from one of his lectures, addressed to a young audience, that director Pauline Ringeade imagines Pister les créatures fabuleuses, a show built like an adventure. Carried on stage by a remarkable actress, the philosopher's words vibrate with the quivering of the forest.

Waré Mono, March 5-8, 2025
Designed with the participation of a group of children, Kaori Ito's poetic and political creation tells how flaws build humanity. How can we repair childhood? To answer this question, the choreographer draws inspiration from kintsugi, the Japanese art of mending broken objects, not by concealing the cracks, but by sublimating them with gold. In Waré Mono, Kaori Ito invites her acolytes Issue Park and Noémie Ettlin to play two mischievous characters.

Habiter, May 20-23, 2025
With Habiter, author and director Patricia Allio and actor Pierre Maillet set out to undo a normative, naturalistic conception of gender duality, to think about the mutable, plural nature of identity. A queer fantasy, this monologue in the form of a little raw theater incorporates as many seemingly whimsical philological digressions as documentary illustrations borrowed from recent news or art history. Through language games and onomatopoeic and anagrammic pirouettes, this eulogy of a nomadic inter and trans-species identity opens up to the political consideration of a world without borders.

Une ombre vorace, May 20-24, 2025
Jean Vidal is a mountain guide. His father, a famous mountaineer, disappeared while attempting to climb the Matterhorn solo thirty years ago. On a recent ascent, Jean Vidal is surprised by a storm when he enters a cave and discovers a frozen body. As he approached, surprised and horrified, he realized it was his father's body. Two years later, a film producer calls on a famous actor, Michel Roux, to bring Jean Vidal's odyssey to the screen... In Une ombre vorace, by bringing these two protagonists to life, Argentine director Mariano Pensotti, with his acute sense of narrative, composes a "fictional documentary", a story presented as real but whose imaginary part is almost total.

The new path (Sinnoi group), May 27, 2025
SINNOI, a motley and singular quartet, delivers with The New Path, a music unique in its genre, joyfully blurring the boundaries between styles, to the rhythm of deliciously hybrid compositions. The group presents itself as the summit meeting of Wonsool Lee, a bassist renowned on the Korean jazz scene; Bora Kim, whose vast musical range navigates between gyeonggi minyo (Korean folk song) and jeongga (traditional vocal genre); Godam, electronic musician and Nayeon Lee, wind instrument player.

Portrait de 4 personnes
Fampitaha, fampita, fampitàna © Harilay Rabenjamina‎

Théâtre de Choisy-le-Roi

The théâtre de Choisy-le-Roi is offering students a preferential offer of €6 on the following selection of plays, on presentation of student card at the door.

Ten, Tuesday November 5, 2024 at 8pm
Abbas Kiarostami / Guilda Chahverdi 
Transposed to the stage by Guilda Chahverdi in Persian with surtitles, Ten presents us with ten formative sequences from the emotional lives of five Iranian women, from different social classes and generations. Their words are spoken in the enclosed space of a car, during a daily commute. These five women could be just one. Beyond these personal trajectories, Kiarostami's cinematic work evokes the great themes of human existence: family, religion, sexuality, education, love and language. Guilda Chahverdi's sober but immersive direction gives voice to Iranian women. They reveal their struggle to assert their existence in the face of the violence and tyranny that plague their country.

Sorcières / Kimpa Vita, Thursday December 12, 2024 at 8pm 
DeLaVallet Bidiefono / Compagnie Baninga
An iconic figure of the African continent, representing freedom and independence, Kimpa Vita inspires DeLaVallet Bidiefono to create a powerful, rocking and intense show.
The Congolese choreographer and dancer returns to set the Theatre stage ablaze, giving voice and body to Kimpa Vita, the "Joan of Arc of Africa". In 1704, she had a revelation. A self-proclaimed "messenger of God", she sets out to liberate the Kongo Kingdom, and enters the fight against the horror of slavery.

Le mauvais esprit, on Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 8pm 
Christelle Harbonn / Karima El Kharraze / Compagnie Demesten Titip
Esprit es-tu là? A journey to the four corners of the world between dream and reality, through children's stories that reinvent and appropriate cultural and family legends.
Mauvais Esprit starts from a fable that reveals how our childhood fears color our perception of reality and shape our identity. The play is narrated in French, Arabic and Mandarin by children from near and far. They invite us to discover the world as they imagine it when they close their eyes and go to sleep.

Fampitaha, fampita, fampitàna, Thursday March 13, 2025 at 8pm
Soa Ratsifandrihana
Between orality, musical composition and choreographic creation, a show that reminds us that our bodies, like our words, are bearers of stories.
Fampitaha, fampita, fampitàna, three Malagasy words meaning comparison, transmission, and rivalry. The second chapter of a diptych begun with her radio creation Rouge Cratère, choreographer Soa Ratsifandrihana seeks a vocabulary between bodies and history to understand what links them and what singularizes them. Soa is joined by guitarist Joël Rabesolo and performers Audrey Merilus and Stanley Ollivier to construct a new otherness where bodies emerge from their muteness by offering themselves the possibility of language.

Radio live - vivantes, Friday March 28, 2025 at 8pm 
Aurélie Charon / Amélie Bonnin
For the past ten years, Radio live has been bringing together young people from all over the world, in a show nourished by sounds and images produced live, where the faces of previous generations and those coming up bring their life stories to the stage. Everything is written but what is said: the words are alive and spontaneous. In the spring of 2024, Aurélie Charon and Amélie Bonnin create a new episode, Radio live - Vivantes. The collective story of three young women from Syria, Bosnia and Ukraine. A tale of contemporary conflicts, of memories and scars, of anger and tenderness that remain intact. Part radio drama, part documentary, this protean performance explores memory, identities, commitment and intergenerational transmission to bring about better times.

Braveheart, Tuesday April 29, 2025 at 8pm
Wael Kadour
From the writing of trauma to the trauma of writing. A powerful show about the wounds caused by exile.
Written and directed by Wael Kadour, Braveheart plunges us into the poignant story of Aline, a Syrian refugee recently settled in France. No one cares about Aline's tragedy anymore; the world is far too busy with a pandemic and new wars. With a lot of grief and a little willpower and love, she tries to go on living. But the world she's managed to build for herself threatens to collapse once again: a rumor reaches her that her former tormentor has fled the country and become a refugee, just like her.
In the grip of delusions caused by her traumatic past, Aline must find a new reality for her life. She immerses herself in writing her story, while living a love affair. But little by little, the boundaries between reality and fiction become blurred. The mechanics of violence gradually lead Aline into a destructive spiral. Creation becomes the mirror of a soul as weak as it is courageous, damaged by exile.