Apprenticeship tax

The apprenticeship tax is a tax payable by companies to encourage the development of technological and vocational education. It's a compulsory corporate contribution, but it's the only one where you can choose the beneficiary!

What is the apprenticeship tax?

The apprenticeship tax (TA) is a tax payable by companies, intended to finance apprenticeships and technological and vocational training. This tax encourages the development of training establishments by financing their equipment and the creation of new programs. This tax is calculated on the basis of the remuneration paid by the company to its employees.

What is the apprenticeship tax rate?

The apprenticeship tax rate is 0.68% of payroll.

The tax comprises 2 fractions:

  • A principal portion of 0.59% earmarked for financing apprenticeships.

  • The salary of 0.09% intended to finance initial technological and vocational training.

These two fractions are paid to the Urssaf or Caisse de la mutualité sociale agricole (MSA).

Information from the public service website.

The apprenticeship tax payment process

Companies can designate the establishment(s) to receive the balance on the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation allocation platform: SOLTéA

  1. On the search engine, enter the SIRET or the name of the training establishment and select the establishment. SIRET Inalco : 19753488600092
  2. Flech your balance and allocate the percentage you wish to the selected establishment. It is possible to allocate your balance to one or more establishments.

Why invest in Inalco?

Inalco awards national diplomas according to the LMD system and offers specialized training courses accessible to all according to the fee schedule for university bachelor's or master's degree enrollments. Training in languages and civilizations is the institute's core business, and its professional courses have developed innovative offerings in a variety of fields: automatic language processing and multilingual engineering, international trade, international relations, intercultural communication, information and new media.

By donating your apprenticeship tax to Inalco, you'll be contributing to its mission, which goes beyond the academic sphere, by opening up the world through the teaching of over 100 languages and civilizations. You'll be helping to finance professional training courses for managers specializing in cultural and geographical areas.

French companies with an international outlook need experts in fields such as economics, management, communications, international relations, etc., coupled with Oriental language skills to tackle certain hard-to-reach markets. Your investment can therefore contribute to the training of your future employees and partners!

Our training courses eligible for the taxe d'apprentissage :

  • Licence langues littératures civilisations étrangères et régionales

  • Master's degree in foreign and regional languages, literature and civilization

  • Master's degree in Languages and Societies

  • Master's degree in Language Didactics

  • Master's degree in Management and International Business

  • Master's degree in International Relations

  • Master's degree of Language Sciences

  • Master's degree of Translation and Interpretation

  • Master of Automatic Language Processing - Multilingual Engineering pathway

  • Master's degree in automatic language processing and multilingual engineering

  • PhD in languages, literature and society

  • Master's degree in intercultural communication