A look back at the conference-signing with Vincent Lefèvre: The Genius of Indian Art

Vincent Lefèvre is an archivist-paleographer by training and holds a doctorate in Indian studies. He is currently Director of Conservation and Collections at the Musée Guimet, and has come to lead this conference by presenting his book Le génie de l'art indien, published in April 2023 by Les Belles Lettres.
His career path is remarkable, Vincent Lefèvre was initially curator at the Musée Cernuschi before becoming director of textile collections at the Musée Guimet. Then, as part of the Louvre-Abou Dhabi project within Agence France-Muséums, he took up the post of curator of Asian arts. Before taking up his current position at the Musée Guimet, he became deputy director of collections in the Museums of France department of the French Ministry of Culture's Heritage Department. At the same time, he has headed the French mission for archaeological cooperation in Bangladesh since 2013.
Western viewers often find it difficult to grasp all the subtleties of Indian art, hesitating between fascination and incomprehension. In this lecture, Vincent Lefèvre proposes to analyze this iconography and architecture by delving into the heart of Indian art. By drawing comparisons between the different artistic productions of several civilizations, Vincent Lefèvre gave us the keys we needed to understand and apprehend Indian artistic production.