Theses recently defended at CREE

The Centre de Recherche Europes-Eurasie is one of the few centers in Europe to combine long-term historical, topical and prospective research on an area as large as Medieval and Balkan Europe, Russia and Central Asia, covering distinct but complementary disciplinary fields: literature, arts, languages, history, society, geopolitics, economics, law, environment.
Thesis Subject : The sense of movement within the Russian avantgardes of the 1910s. Mikhaïl Matiouchine, une étude de cas
Directrice de Thèse : Catherine GERY
Co-directrice de Thèse : Arnauld PIERRE
Discipline : Arts
Date de soutenance : 09/12/2023
Mention : Admitted
Thesis subject: Les " Grands Travaux " brejnéviens des capitales du Caucase du Sud et d'Asie centrale (1967-1987) : un agenda architectural proto-étatique
Directrice de Thèse : Taline TER MINASSIAN
Co-directrice de Thèse : Catherine POUJOL
Discipline: History/Civilizations: modern worlds
Date of defense: 09/11/2023
Mention: Admitted
Thesis topic: The border as a resource: contacts, ruptures and powers on the Tajik-Afghan border in Upper Badakhshan
Thesis director: Catherine POUJOL
Discipline: International relations and political science
Date of defense: 06/10/2022
Tomasz KRUPA
Thesis topic: Body and otherness in the literary work of Sorana Gurian
Thesis director: Catherine GERY
Thesis co-director: Cécile FOLSCHWEILLER
Discipline: Literatures and civilizations
Date of defense: 29/09/2022
Mention: Admis
CV : Tomasz KRUPA (224.42 KB, .pdf)
Thesis subject: Time as cotemporality in the Serbian and Bulgarian postmodern novel
Thesis director: Marie VRINAT-NIKOLOV
Thesis co-director: Aleksandar PRSTOJEVIC
Discipline:Literatures and Civilizations
Date of defense: 04/04/2022
Mention: Admitted
Thesis topic: Changes in food practice in post-Soviet Russia. Approche géographique d'un enjeu identitaire
Directrice de Thèse: Anne De TINGUY
Co-directeur de Thèse: Jean RADVANYI
Discipline: Human and Economic Geography
Date of defense:10/03/2022
Mention: Admitted
Thesis topic: Nationalism in the service of an uncertain nation: new trends in nationalism and the (de)legitimization of power in contemporary Russia, 2000 - 2020
Director of Thesis: Jean RADVANYI
Discipline: Political Science and International Relations
Date of defense: 06/12/2021
Mention: Admis
Thesis topic: Cinematographic translation in Soviet Estonia: contexts, practices and actors
Thesis director: Antoine CHALVIN
Thesis co-director: Elin SÜTISTE
Discipline: Traductology
Date of defense: 19/10/2021
Mention: Admitted
Thesis topic: Russia facing the challenges of the new natural gas market, debates and issues
Thesis supervisor: Jean RADVANYI
Discipline: Economy and Societies
Date of defense: 01/04/2021
Mention: Admis
Thesis topic: Russia-Ethiopia, XIXth -XXth: a special bond between the two countries, from tsars to soviets, from negus to Därg? Illusions and disillusions
Thesis director: Anne De TINGUY
Thesis co-director: Delombera NEGGA
Discipline: History, societies and civilizations
Date of defense: 04/03/2021
Mention: Admitted Prize
Thesis subject: Between rivalries with the United States and China, Russia's power issues in its regional space (2000-2019)
Thesis director: Jean RADVANYI
Discipline: Political Science and International Relations
Date of defense: 14/01/2021
Mention: Admitted
Françoise DEFARGES
Thesis subject: Lidia Zinovieva Annibal la construction d'un sujet féminin dans la littérature de l'âge d'argent
Directrice de Thèse: Catherine GERY
Discipline: Literatures and Civilizations
Date de soutenance : 08/01/2021
Mention : Admitted Prize
CV : Françoise DEFARGES (150.32 KB, .pdf)
Thesis topic: The role of cultural policies in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan from 1991 to the present day: from multiculturalism to "sustainable cultural development"
Thesis supervisor: Catherine POUJOL
Discipline: History, societies and civilizations
Date of defense : 02/03/2020
Mention: Admitted
Thesis subject: From Vienna to Sarajevo, role models and replicas in the architecture of Austro-Hungarian period
Thesis director: Taline TER MINASSIAN
Thesis co-director: Maja POPOVAC
Discipline: History, Societies and Civilizations
Date of defense: 12/13/2019
Mention: Admitted
Thesis subject: Euphemisms and dysphemisms to describe men and women in modern Ukrainian - linguistic and ethnocultural aspects
Thesis supervisor: Antoine CHALVIN
Thesis co-director: Iryna Dmytrychyn
Discipline: Sciences of language
Date of defense: 06/12/2019
Mention: Admitted
Thesis topic: Between trace and monument. Soviet heritage in Russia: actors, discourses and uses (1917-2017)
Thesis director: Taline TER MINASSIAN
Thesis co-director: Annie GERIN
Discipline: History, Societies and Civilizations
Date of defense: 22/11/2019
Mention: Admis Prix
Subject of Thesis: Saying the forbidden. Literary strategies in the face of censorship in the Polish and Czech novel (1968-1976)
Thesis director: Catherine SERVANT
Thesis co-director: Marek TOMASZEWSKI
Discipline: Literatures and civilizations
Date of defense: 20/11/2019
Mention: Admitted Prize
Thesis topic: Vladimir Putin's Russia in the Middle East: analyses of a "comeback" ambition (2000-2013)
Thesis director: Anne DE TINGUY
Discipline: Political science and international relations
Date of defense: 01/07/2019
Mention: Admitted Prize
Thesis subject: Unionist memories and memory regimes in 20th century Turkey
Thesis director: Taline TER MINASSIAN
Thesis co-director: Hamit BOZARSLAN
Discipline: History, Societies and Civilizations
Date of defense: 06/11/2018
Mention: Award
Thesis topic: Russia and its Far-Western mirror: the geopolitical identity of ultraperipheral Russia through the prism of the Kaliningrad Oblast'. Etude géographique et géopolitique
Directeur de Thèse: Bruno DRWESKI
Discipline: History, Societies and Civilizations
Date de soutenance: 05/06/2018
Mention: Prix
Julien PARET
Sujet de Thèse: Territoires informationnels et identités politiques : Reticular chorography of socialist virtual communities in post-Soviet Russia from 2008 to 2017
Directrice de Thèse: Catherine POUJOL
Discipline: History, societies and civilizations
Date de soutenance : 02/02/2018
Mention: Admitted