Supporting top-level athletes

Inalco offers support to enable high-level athletes to combine their sporting obligations with their university life.
Special arrangements can be made, such as:
- setting up a special exam session
- exemptions from attendance and enrolment in the terminal knowledge control system (so that you take only one exam, at the end of the semester, per subject)
- setting up students to take notes in classes you won't be able to attend, pass them on to you and help you understand the content studied.
- adapting your schedule to your sporting obligations
Non-exhaustive list
You will then have to fill in your "Dossier sportif de Haut Niveau" and send it back to us by email along with your attestation of high level sportsmanship as well as your calendar of competitions and training..
Download document :
Dossier sportif haut niveau SHN 23-24 (200.55 KB, .pdf)