Students with disabilities
Any student with a disability or health problem of any kind (motor, mental, sensory, disabling illness, etc.) and for any length of time, can take advantage of Inalco's accommodation services.

Our aim is to provide the best possible welcome for students with disabilities, and to make their studies as easy as possible. The department in charge responds both to students with disabilities and to questions from anyone (parent of a student with a disability or a teacher seeking information). Our main aim is to enable everyone to access courses and exams and integrate into the institute.
If you have a disability card, disabled adult allowance or disabled worker recognition from the Maison départementale des personnes handicapées, you can contact the Handicap mission of the CROUS de Paris: a social worker is on hand to listen to you.
If you need psychological support, you'll find below contact details for several national organizations that may be of help:
- Nightline
- Fil santé jeune: free, anonymous service for 12-25 year olds, every day from 9am to 11pm.
- SOS suicide phénix: every day from 1pm to 11pm, 01 40 44 46 45, free, anonymous confidential call.
- SOS amitiés : anonymous, free and confidential, 24 hours a day - 7 days a week.
- SOS écoute : 01 45 39 40 00, anonymous, free and confidential, 24 hours a day - 7 days a week.
Procedure for setting up the support plan (PAEH)
Make yourself known as soon as possible and book an appointment with Inalco's Mission Handicap:
- at office 3.23
- by e-mail: giving several availabilities for appointment proposals for the next few weeks at opening times: Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm appointment times at opening times.
Then make an appointment with the Student Health Service (SSE), Grands Moulins campus, by going to
The appointment booking process takes place in two stages:
In the first stage you select on Doctolib, a slot corresponding to a deadline for submitting your file by selecting as the reason for consultation: "Dépôt de dossier aménagement études/examens (NE PAS SE DEPLACER)".
Once the slot has been selected, you submit ALL the expected medical and administrative documents online (remember to prepare them in advance):
- MANDATORY documents:
-first page of the support plan (PAEH) which is given to you during your appointment at Mission Handicap
- social security attestation (to be found on your personal Ameli account: ameli, the online health insurance website | | Assuré) (DIFFERENT from the carte vitale)
- specialized consultation report less than 1 year old written in French AND/OR medical certificate drawn up on the attached model to be completed by your doctor (document given at the appointment with Mission Handicap)
- for dys disorders: specialized assessment(s) performed (from speech therapy, neuropsy, occupational therapy, psychomotricity...)
- current prescription less than 3 months old related to the pathology
- Documents not compulsory but recommended to provide if you have them:
- mutual insurance card
- recent hospitalization report
- medical certificate less than 3 months old drawn up on a prescription
- complementary examinations (MRI, echo...)
- medical certificate drawn up for the MDPH file
- MDPH decision
- In a second step, once all the documents have been submitted and checked by the SSE,the SSE will contact you to propose a face-to-face appointment.
Everything is specified on Doctolib, but if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact the SSE or write to
Service de Santé Universitaire
Bât. Sophie Germain - RdC sur cour
8 Place Aurélie Nemours Paris 13e
Tél. : 01 57 27 94 60
For general information, please visit the SSE de l'Université de Paris.
L'Inalco will then take care of making your classes and exams as easy as possible. A support plan will be sent to you. It will mention the accommodations that Inalco will put in place for your situation. It will be signed by Mission Handicap, by you and by the president who decides on the accommodations granted (Circulaire n° 2011-220 du 27-12-2011).
ATTENTION: The list of accommodations granted is only valid for one academic year, the request to Mission Handicap must imperatively be renewed each year on the occasion of an appointment.
CALENDRIER MISSION HANDICAP 2023-2024 (420.79 KB, .pdf)
Request for exam accommodation (fill in the form only once you have your exam dates)
For all requests for exam accommodation, please fill in our online form.
BULAC (Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations)
The library provides a team of trained support staff, a range of specialized equipment (reading machines, video enlargers, electronic magnifiers, magnetic loops, etc.) as well as specific services such as adapted equipment to better welcome you.
You can contact the library service at the following address: