
Find the Inalco presentation documents including the institutional brochure in French and English. The map lists the hundred or so languages and civilizations taught at the Institut.
Plaquette institutionnelle.pdf (1.23 MB, .pdf)
Corporate brochure english.pdf (1.28 MB, .pdf)
Carte des langues enseignées à l'Inalco (744.09 KB, .pdf)
Brochure from our experts
If you're looking for a specialist on an in-depth or topical subject with an international scope,
This brochure aims to introduce you to Inalco's expertise and show you the possible fields of intervention of our teacher-researchers. Designed as a practical guide with a table of contents by cultural area and geographical zone, this document will enable you to quickly find an expert in various fields.
Geography and geopolitics, history, culture, institutions, political, economic and social life of more than 100 languages and civilizations taught at Inalco.
Consult our brochure below.
Brochure d'expertes et experts - Edition 2024/2025 (4.75 MB, .pdf)
Authorization for filming, interviews and photography
To film or take photographs on Inalco premises, you must have authorization from the presidency. Requests for authorization should be made to the Direction générale des services by e-mail at dgs[at], or to the Direction de la communication:
Please note that a minimum of 4 days (excluding weekends and public holidays) must be allowed for your request to be processed. Download the filming, interview and shooting request form below.
Autorisation de tournage 2023 (562.04 KB, .pdf)
Logos to download
If you'd like to put the Inalco logo on your communication materials, find it below as a download in various formats.
In application of Inalco's graphic charter, this logo must appear on all internal and external communication documents.